MAOPS 7: How do you plan to prioritize and develop a product
innovation roadmap for the combined organization?
Technical and market innovation roadmaps are essential to keep from growing stagnant in the market place and to drive growth. Roadmaps help provide product market differentiation.
MAOPS07-BP01 Document duplicate workloads and features
Keep a centralized list of work that could be epic-level ideas down to more detailed work for features, bugs, technical debt, and innovative advances.
MAOPS07-BP02 Identify the impact of product features on customers from
both companies
A company should be looking beyond the current near-term features going in to strategically plan out longer term initiatives and how they can be ordered to create a compelling list of innovations.
MAOPS07-BP03 Document a combined-products strategy
Identify products to be retired, maintained, or enhanced. Document customer impact and migration plan in case of product or workload decommission.
MAOPS07-BP04 Verify that teams understand critical customer
Increased decomposition for engineering tasks corresponds to increased probability of success. You can properly scope the effort in terms of cost, time, and resources needed, and define a definition for completion of work.
MAOPS07-BP05 Modify your existing roadmap to incorporate the new
Define the new product roadmap that aligns with the combined companies’ goals. Determine customer impact based on product priorities.