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MAPERF 2: How does the platform scale and maintain performance as more customer load is added? - Mergers and Acquisitions Lens
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MAPERF 2: How does the platform scale and maintain performance as more customer load is added?

General support of increased platform loading, which allows for more customer usage and drive company growth. The platform hosting could be statically provisioned and have very predictable loading. Scaling can be accomplished by vertical as well as horizontal methods.

MAPERF02-BP01 Scale current architecture and hosting through manual or automatic means

Take progressive steps to achieve scaling.

MAPERF02-BP02 Remediate bottlenecks that prevent scaling, and use utomatic scaling or serverless resources when appropriate

Serverless technologies feature automatic scaling, built-in high availability, and a pay-for-use billing model to increase agility. Serverless technologies reduce infrastructure management tasks like capacity provisioning. For more detail, see Serverless on AWS.

MAPERF02-BP03 Perform periodic static provisioning for peak usage in reaction to monitoring data

Review historical data to understand peak usage days and time. Manually pre-provision resources based on historical data findings.

MAPERF02-BP04 Rearchitect to scale for new customers

Cloud solutions architects should ideally build an architecture with the future in mind, meaning their solutions need to cater to current scale requirements as well as the anticipated growth of the solution. This growth can be either the organic growth of a solution, or it could be related to a merger and acquisition scenario where its size is increased dramatically within a short period of time.

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