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MASEC 5: How do you plan to maintain your network security posture? - Mergers and Acquisitions Lens
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MASEC 5: How do you plan to maintain your network security posture?

Both companies involved in an integration must understand each organization's network security requirements. Organizations need to understand network connectivity across regions and on-premises data centers if applicable.

MASEC05-BP01 Both organizations have documented network architecture

Network documentation includes written charts, drawings, records, and instructions of networking procedures, layouts, and information on your installed production or development network.

MASEC05-BP02 Define a strategy for overlapping Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)

In order to plan your prefix summarization and create your routing design, you should understand the IP addressing scheme of the merging or divesting companies.

MASEC05-BP03 Define a connectivity model for post-integration or divestiture

The network connectivity layer holds an enterprise’s entire IT ecosystem together. Furthermore, creating the right connectivity model is a critical step toward planning your merger, acquisition, or divestiture.

MASEC05-BP04 Define a strategy for inter-enterprise DNS resolution

DNS is the typical way how users connect to applications and also how various components of an application may communicate with each other.

MASEC05-BP05 Define a security strategy for data flowing between the two enterprises

It is important to establish a secure communication between two enterprises for data transfer.

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