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Sustainability - Mergers and Acquisitions Lens
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The sustainability pillar provides design principles, operational guidance, best-practices, and improvement plans to meet sustainability targets for your AWS workloads.

The sustainability impact of mergers and acquisitions can be positive or negative, depending on a variety of factors.

Acquisitions can lead to increased efficiency, reduced costs, and expanded market opportunities, but they can also lead to increased resource consumption, pollution, and deforestation. For example, if two companies merge, they may consolidate their operations, which could lead to increased energy consumption, water use, and waste generation.

In addition, acquisitions can lead to the loss of biodiversity, increased greenhouse gas emissions, and other negative environmental impacts. If the acquired company has poor environmental practices, this can be exacerbated by the merger.

On the other hand, if the acquired company has strong environmental practices, this can be a positive factor in the merger. The acquired company may have new technologies or processes that can help the acquiring company reduce its environmental impact.

Overall, the sustainability impact of an integration depends on a variety of factors, including the companies involved, the products and services they offer, and the environmental practices of the companies. It is important for companies to consider the potential sustainability impacts of mergers and acquisitions before proceeding.

You can find prescriptive guidance on implementation in the Sustainability Pillar whitepaper.

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