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Deployment approaches - Serverless Applications Lens
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Deployment approaches

A best practice for deployments in a microservice architecture is to ensure that a change does not break the service contract of the consumer. If the API owner makes a change that breaks the service contract and the consumer is not prepared for it, failures can occur.

Being aware of which consumers are using your APIs is the first step to ensure that deployments are safe. Collecting metadata on consumers and their usage allows you to make data driven decisions about the impact of changes. API Keys are an effective way to capture metadata about the API consumer/clients and often used as a form of contact if a breaking change is made to an API.

Some customers who want to take a risk-averse approach to breaking changes may choose to clone the API and route customers to a different subdomain (for example, v2.my-service.com) to ensure that existing consumers aren’t impacted. While this approach enables new deployments with a new service contract, the tradeoff is that the overhead of maintaining dual APIs (and subsequent backend infrastructure) requires additional overhead.

The table shows the different approaches to deployment:

Deployment Consumer Impact


Event Model Factors

Deployment Speed

All-at-once All at once

Redeploy older version

Any event model at low concurrency rate


Blue/Green All at once with some level of production environment testing beforehand

Revert traffic to previous environment

Better for async and sync event models at medium concurrency workloads

Minutes to hours of validation, and then immediate to customers

Canary(or Linear) 1–10% typical initial traffic shift, then phased increases, or all at once

Revert 100% of traffic to previous deployment

Better for high concurrency workloads

Minutes to hours

All-at-once deployments

All-at-once deployments involve making changes on top of the existing configuration. An advantage to this style of deployment is that backend changes to data stores, such as a relational database, require a much smaller level of effort to reconcile transactions during the change cycle. While this type of deployment style is low-effort and can be made with little impact in low-concurrency models, it adds risk when it comes to rollback and usually causes downtime. Use this deployment model for non-critical environments, such as development, where impact to customers is not a risk.

Blue/green deployments

Another traffic shifting pattern is enabling blue/green deployments. This near zero-downtime release enables traffic to shift to the new live environment (green) while still keeping the old production environment (blue) warm in case a rollback is necessary. Since API Gateway allows you to define what percentage of traffic is shifted to a particular environment; this style of deployment can be an effective technique. Since blue/green deployments are designed to reduce downtime, many customers adopt this pattern for production changes.

Serverless architectures that follow the best practice of statelessness and idempotency are amenable to this deployment style because there is no affinity to the underlying infrastructure. You should bias these deployments toward smaller incremental changes so that you can easily roll back to a working environment if necessary.

You need the right indicators in place to know if a rollback is required. As a best practice, we recommend customers using CloudWatch high-resolution metrics, which can monitor in 1-second intervals, and quickly capture downward trends. Used with CloudWatch alarms, you can enable an expedited rollback to occur. CloudWatch metrics can be captured on API Gateway, Step Functions, Lambda (including custom metrics), and DynamoDB.

Canary deployments

Canary deployments are a way for you to gradually release new software in a coordinated and safe way that enable rapid deployment cycles. Canary deployments involve deploying a percentage of requests to new code, and monitoring for errors, degradations, or regressions.

You can use Lambda function aliases with AWS CodeDeploy to support various canary deployment strategies. AWS SAM comes with built-in support for CodeDeploy, which makes Canary deployments even simpler. Operators can further control gradual deployments by leveraging pre-traffic and post-traffic deployment hooks and CloudWatch alarms to trigger automated rollback.

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