Mapping to the ISA-95 Model - Industrial IoT Architecture Patterns

Mapping to the ISA-95 Model

ANSI/ISA-95 provides a common view of industrial IT systems, which can be helpful for understanding the role of edge gateways and hybrid cloud IIoT environments. Because of the latency and availability characteristics of the WAN, it is not recommended to take a dependency on remote resources for Level 0-1 systems. Critical Level 2 systems should also be local, but additional remote monitoring may be layered on so that operations staff can observe global trends. It is recommended that data delays and gaps for these remote Level 2 systems can cause only observability failures and not production impact.

Diagram showing the ANSI/ISA-95 Pyramid Showing Expected System Response Times

The ANSI/ISA-95 Pyramid Showing Expected System Response Times

Level 3 and Level 4 systems can benefit from the properties of remote computing, including the ability to aggregate data from multiple sites and the ability to perform compute-intensive analytics tasks.

Edge gateways are generally found in layer 3 and OI/IT Gateways responsible for industrial protocol conversion are often found in layer 2 of the Purdue model.