Appendix D - Glossary
This is a glossary, containing all the terms used in this guide.
- ExpressLink modules
Hardware connectivity modules that enable easy AWS cloud connectivity and implement strict and AWS-mandated security requirements for device-to-cloud connections.
- ExpressLink devices
OEM products that embed an ExpressLink module and use the module for AWS cloud connectivity.
- OEM AWS account
An AWS account that OEMs use to manage their IoT devices.
- ExpressLink AWS staging account/endpoint
An AWS-managed account that provides:
out-of-the-box Quick Connect functionality.
a staging area for non-onboarded ExpressLink devices waiting to be claimed and onboarded.
- onboarding
The registering of an OEM's ExpressLink device inside the OEM AWS Account; ExpressLink provides 5 ways to do this.
- onboarding-by-claim
One of the 5 onboarding methods provided by ExpressLink; it streamlines onboarding and eliminates manual setup.
- claim-thing
A virtual device in the staging account (registry) whose sole purpose is to publish configuration messages.
- registration portal
A web or mobile application that allows the end-user to register an (IoT) product.
- Onboarding functionality
Any piece of code that is able to:
connect to the ExpressLink AWS staging account as the claim-thing.
publish the MQTT endpoint change message to the MQTT control topic in the staging account.