5 Messaging - AWS IoT ExpressLink

5 Messaging

5.1 Messaging topic model

The ExpressLink messaging system relies on a list of topics defined in the configuration dictionary (see Table 2 - Configuration Dictionary Persistent Keys ). Each topic is assigned an index that can be used to dereference the assigned string value. Index 0 has a special meaning, while all other index values up to an implementation-specific maximum index can be used by the host to define additional topics. Messaging topics defined in this list are managed independently from other topics eventually used by ExpressLink to handle Jobs, OTA, and shadow updates.  

Topic Index 0 is reserved as a catch-all for messages that do not match other existing topics. An attempt to send or subscribe to a topic with index 0 will return ERR7 OUT OF RANGE.  

Topic Index{MaxTopic} is an implementation detail documented in the module manufacturer's datasheet.

5.1.2 Topic usage rules

Topics are defined to be compatible with the MQTT 3.1.1 standard

5.1.3 SEND[#] message   »Publish msg on a topic selected from topic list«

Send a message on a topic provided in the configuration dictionary. The configuration parameter QoS value (see Table 3 - Configuration dictionary non-persistent keys ) at the time the command is issued determines the applicable Quality of Service (only QoS levels 0 and 1 are supported!).


The index of a topic in CONFIG dictionary (1..MaxTopic).


The message to publish (string).

Returns:   OK{EOL}

If the message is sent successfully, then the module returns 'OK'.

Example 1:

AT+SEND2 Hello World # Publish 'Hello World' on Topic2 OK # The message will be sent   ERR6 NO CONNECTION

If no connection has been made, then the module returns 'NO CONNECTION'.

Example 2:

AT+SEND1 Hello World # Publish Hello World on Topic1 ERR6 NO CONNECTION # A connection has not been established   ERR7 OUT OF RANGE

If the supplied topic index is larger than the maximum allowed topic number, the module returns 'OUT OF RANGE'.

Example 3:

AT+SEND99 Hello World # Publish Hello World on Topic99 ERR7 OUT OF RANGE # Topic 99 is not within the available range of topics for this device   ERR8 PARAMETER UNDEFINED

If the supplied topic index points to a topic entry that has not been defined (empty), the module returns 'PARAMETER UNDEFINED'.

Example 4:

AT+CONF Topic3={EOL} # Define Topic3 as empty OK AT+SEND3 Hello World # Publish Hello World on Topic3 ERR8 PARAMETER UNDEFINED # The selected topic was undefined

5.1.4 GET   »Request next message pending on any topic«

Retrieve the next message received in the order of arrival.

Returns:   OK1{separator}{topic}{EOL}{message}{EOL}

If a message is available on any topic, the module responds with 'OK' followed by the topic and the message.


AT+GET # poll for messages received on any topic OK1 data{EOL} # a message was received from topic 'data' (expect another line) Hello World{EOL} # the actual message received   OK{EOL}

If no message was received on any topic, the module responds with 'OK' followed by {EOL}.

5.1.5 GET0   »Request next message pending on an unassigned topic«

Retrieve the next message received on a topic that was not in the topic list. This acts as a catch-all option and can be useful when the host subscribes to a topic then modifies the topic string in the configuration dictionary without first unsubscribing. This can also be used in combination with the AWS IoT Device Shadow features (see entry under section 9.2 AWS IoT Device Shadow).

Note that the response to this command always produces two output lines, an exception to the general format defined in 4.6.1 General response formats:.

Returns:   OK1{separator}{topic}{EOL}{message}{EOL}


AT+GET0 # poll for messages received on any unassigned topic OK1 data{EOL} # a message was received from topic 'data' (expect another line) Hello World{EOL} # the actual message received   OK{EOL}

If no message was received on any unassigned topic, the module returns 'OK' followed by {EOL}.

5.1.6 GET[#]   »Request next message pending on the indicated topic«

Retrieve the next message received on a topic at the specified index (1..MaxTopic) in the topic list.

Returns:   OK{separator}{message}{EOL}

If a message is available on the indicated topic, the module responds with 'OK' followed immediately by the message.


AT+GET2 # select messages received on Topic2 OK Hello World # a message received on the topic at index 2 in the list of topics   OK{EOL}

If a message is NOT available matching the requested topic, the module responds with 'OK' followed by {EOL}.   OK{message}{EOL}

Even if there is no active connection, a normal read from the message queue takes place and might return a valid message.   ERR7 OUT OF RANGE

If the supplied topic index is larger than the maximum allowed topic number, then the module returns 'OUT OF RANGE'.   ERR8 PARAMETER UNDEFINED

If the requested topic is not defined (empty), then the module returns 'PARAMETER UNDEFINED'.   Message queue overflow conditions

If the host fails to retrieve a message in time and so does not free up space and the buffer capacity is exceeded, an overrun occurs and new messages arriving from the cloud may be lost. The condition will be reported as an OVERFLOW event (see Table 4 - ExpressLink event codes) and added to the event queue. It is then accessible to the host processor by means of the EVENT? command. If there is an overflow, the number of messages-received events in the queue will exceed the actual number of messages that are present. The depth of the message queue is an implementation detail that is documented in the module manufacturer's datasheet.

5.1.7 SUBSCRIBE[#]   »Subscribe to Topic#«

The module subscribes to the topic and starts receiving messages. Incoming messages trigger events. The messages can be read with a GET[#] command.

Note that this is a stateless feature; the ExpressLink module will request a subscription to the MQTT broker, but will not retain information about its current state.   If a topic number ([#]) is provided, use the topic at the specified index.


Sending a message to a topic to which a module is subscribed results in the broker sending a copy back to the module.


AT+CONF Topic1=sensor1/state OK AT+SUBSCRIBE1 # The module will subscribe to the topic sensor1/state OK
Returns:   OK

The subscription request was sent to the MQTT broker for the topic specified in the configuration dictionary as Topic#.   ERR6 NO CONNECTION

If no connection has been made, then the module returns 'NO CONNECTION'.   ERR8 PARAMETER UNDEFINED

If the requested topic is not defined (empty), then the module returns 'PARAMETER UNDEFINED'.   ERR7 OUT OF RANGE

If the supplied topic index is larger than the maximum allowed topic number, then the module returns 'OUT OF RANGE'.   A SUBACK or SUBNACK event is generated when the request is accepted or rejected by the MQTT broker.


The host should not issue an UNSUBSCRIBE command immediately following a SUBSCRIBE command before the acknowledgment event is received. This might result in a race condition and unpredictable MQTT broker behavior.   If the topic referred to by a subscription is altered (AT+CONF), before an acknowledgment is received, the corresponding event is NOT generated.   If a new SUBSCRIBE command is issued for the same topic (before an acknowledgment is received), the previous acknowledgment event is NOT generated.


When in the "staging" state (the device is connected to the staging account, see 4.7.1 CONNECT?   »Request the connection status«) restrictive policies apply, including not being able to subscribe to topics that do not begin with the device's ThingName. An attempt to subscribe to such topics may result in the connection being immediately dropped.

5.1.8 UNSUBSCRIBE[#]   »Unsubscribe from Topic#«

The device unsubscribes from the selected topic and stops receiving its messages/events.   Use the topic at the specified index.


AT+CONF Topic1=sensor1/state OK AT+SUBSCRIBE1 # The module will subscribe to topic sensor1/state OK ... AT+UNSUBSCRIBE1 # The module will unsubscribe from topic sensor1/state OK
Returns:   OK

A request to unsubscribe from the topic specified in the configuration dictionary as Topic# was sent.


The host should not issue an UNSUBSCRIBE command immediately following a SUBSCRIBE command before the acknowledgment event is received. This would result in a race condition and unpredictable MQTT broker behavior.   ERR6 NO CONNECTION

If no connection has been made, then the module returns 'NO CONNECTION'.   ERR8 PARAMETER UNDEFINED

If the requested topic is not defined (empty), then the module returns 'PARAMETER UNDEFINED'.   ERR7 OUT OF RANGE

If the supplied topic index is larger than the maximum allowed topic number, then the module returns 'OUT OF RANGE'.