Describe a bulk import job (AWS CLI) - AWS IoT SiteWise

Describe a bulk import job (AWS CLI)

Use the DescribeBulkImportJob API operation to retrieve information about a bulk import job. The following example uses AWS CLI.

Replace job-ID with the ID of the bulk import job that you want to retrieve.

aws iotsitewise describe-bulk-import-job --job-id job-ID
Example response
{ "files":[ { "bucket":"test-bucket", "key":"100Tags12Hours.csv" }, { "bucket":"test-bucket", "key":"BulkImportData1MB.csv" }, { "bucket":"test-bucket", "key":"UnmodeledBulkImportData1MB.csv" } ], "errorReportLocation":{ "prefix":"errors/", "bucket":"test-error-bucket" }, "jobConfiguration":{ "fileFormat":{ "csv":{ "columnNames":[ "ALIAS", "DATA_TYPE", "TIMESTAMP_SECONDS", "TIMESTAMP_NANO_OFFSET", "QUALITY", "VALUE" ] } } }, "jobCreationDate":1645745176.498, "jobStatus":"COMPLETED", "jobName":"myBulkImportJob", "jobLastUpdateDate":1645745279.968, "jobRoleArn":"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/DemoRole", "jobId":"f8c031d0-01d1-4b94-90b1-afe8bb93b7e5" }