Querying asset property aggregates - AWS IoT SiteWise

Querying asset property aggregates

AWS IoT SiteWise automatically computes aggregated asset property values, which are a set of basic metrics calculated over multiple time intervals. AWS IoT SiteWise computes the following aggregates every minute, hour, and day for your asset properties:

  • average – The average (mean) of a property's values over a time interval.

  • count – The number of data points for a property over a time interval.

  • maximum – The maximum of a property's values over a time interval.

  • minimum – The minimum of a property's values over a time interval.

  • standard deviation – The standard deviation of a property's values over a time interval.

  • sum – The sum of a property's values over a time interval.

For non-numeric properties, such as strings and Booleans, AWS IoT SiteWise computes only the count aggregate.

You can also compute custom metrics for your asset data. With metric properties, you define aggregations that are specific to your operation. Metric properties offer additional aggregation functions and time intervals that aren't precomputed for the AWS IoT SiteWise API. For more information, see Aggregating data from properties and other assets (metrics).