Associating and disassociating assets (AWS CLI) - AWS IoT SiteWise

Associating and disassociating assets (AWS CLI)

You can use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to associate and disassociate assets.

For this procedure, you must know the ID of the hierarchy (hierarchyId) in the parent asset model that defines the relationship to the child asset model. Use the DescribeAsset operation to find the hierarchy ID in the response.

To find a hierarchy ID
  • Run the following command to describe the parent asset. Replace parent-asset-id with the parent asset's ID or external ID.

    aws iotsitewise describe-asset --asset-id parent-asset-id

    The operation returns a response that contains the asset's details. The response contains an assetHierarchies list that has the following structure:

    { ... "assetHierarchies": [ { "id": "String", "name": "String" } ], ... }

    The hierarchy ID is the id value for a hierarchy in the list of asset hierarchies.

After you have the hierarchy ID, you can associate or disassociate an asset with that hierarchy.

To associate a child asset to a parent asset, use the AssociateAssets operation. To disassociate a child asset from a parent asset, use the DisassociateAssets operation. Specify the following parameters, which are the same for both operations:

  • assetId – The parent asset's ID or external ID.

  • hierarchyId – The hierarchy ID or external ID in the parent asset.

  • childAssetId – The child asset's ID or external ID.

To associate an asset (AWS CLI)
  • Run the following command to associate a child asset to a parent asset. Replace parent-asset-id, hierarchy-id, and child-asset-id with the respective IDs:

    aws iotsitewise associate-assets \ --asset-id parent-asset-id \ --hierarchy-id hierarchy-id \ --child-asset-id child-asset-id
To disassociate an asset (AWS CLI)
  • Run the following command to disassociate a child asset from a parent asset. Replace parent-asset-id, hierarchy-id, and child-asset-id with the respective IDs:

    aws iotsitewise disassociate-assets \ --asset-id parent-asset-id \ --hierarchy-id hierarchy-id \ --child-asset-id child-asset-id