Configure an OPC-UA source (console) - AWS IoT SiteWise

Configure an OPC-UA source (console)

To configure an OPC-UA source using the AWS IoT SiteWise console
  1. Navigate to the AWS IoT SiteWise console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Gateways.

  3. Select the SiteWise Edge gateway to add an OPC-UA source.

  4. Choose Add data source.

  5. Enter a name for the source.

  6. Enter the Local endpoint of the data source server. The endpoint can be the IP address or hostname. You may also add a port number to the local endpoint. For example, your local endpoint might look like this: opc.tcp://


    If your SiteWise Edge gateway has a Deployment type of Siemens Industrial Edge device - new and you want to ingest data from the Edge OPC UA Server application running on the same Siemens Industrial Edge Device as the AWS IoT SiteWise Edge application, enter opc.tcp://ie-opcua:48010.

  7. (Optional) For Node ID for selection, add node filters to limit which data streams are ingested to the AWS Cloud. By default, SiteWise Edge gateways use the root node of a server to ingest all data streams. You can use node filters to reduce your SiteWise Edge gateway's startup time and CPU usage by only including paths to data that you model in AWS IoT SiteWise. By default, SiteWise Edge gateways upload all OPC-UA paths except those that start with /Server/. To define OPC-UA node filters, you can use node paths and the * and ** wildcard characters. For more information, see Using OPC-UA node filters.

  8. For Destinations, choose the destination for the source data:

    • AWS IoT SiteWise real-time – Choose this to send data directly to AWS IoT SiteWise storage. Ingest and monitor data in real-time, and process data at the edge.

    • AWS IoT SiteWise Buffered using Amazon S3 – Send data in parquet format to Amazon S3 and then import into AWS IoT SiteWise storage. Choose this option to ingest data in batches, and store historical data in a cost-effective way. You can configure your preferred Amazon S3 bucket location, and the frequency at which you want data to be uploaded to Amazon S3. You can also choose what to do with the data after ingestion into AWS IoT SiteWise. You can choose to have the data available in both SiteWise and Amazon S3 or you can choose to delete it automatically from Amazon S3.

      • The Amazon S3 bucket is a staging and buffering mechanism and supports files in the parquet format.

      • If you select the check box Import data into AWS IoT SiteWise storage, data is uploaded into Amazon S3 first, and then into AWS IoT SiteWise storage.

        • If you select the check box Delete data from Amazon S3, data is deleted from Amazon S3, after it is imported into SiteWise storage.

        • If you clear the check box Delete data from Amazon S3, data is stored both in Amazon S3, and in SiteWise storage.

      • If you clear the check box Import data into AWS IoT SiteWise storage, data is stored only in Amazon S3. It is not imported into SiteWise storage.

      Visit Managing data storage for details on the various storage options AWS IoT SiteWise provides. To learn more about pricing options, see AWS IoT SiteWise pricing.

    • AWS IoT Greengrass stream manager – Use AWS IoT Greengrass stream manager to send data to the following AWS Cloud destinations: channels in AWS IoT Analytics, streams in Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, asset properties in AWS IoT SiteWise, or objects in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). For more information, see Manage data streams on the AWS IoT Greengrass Core in AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2 Developer Guide.

      Enter a name for the AWS IoT Greengrass stream.

    While configuring a data source, Node ID for selection is used to determine the destination of the data flow.

    • If the same data is published to both AWS IoT SiteWise real-time and AWS IoT SiteWise Buffered using Amazon S3, you must add two data sources that publish to both destinations.

    • To split the data so that a part of it is published to AWS IoT SiteWise real-time, and the other part to AWS IoT SiteWise Buffered using Amazon S3, you must filter for the following data aliases:

      /Alias01/Data1 /Alias02/Data1 /Alias03/Data1 /Alias03/Data2

      For example, you can add a data source pointing to /**/Data1 node filter, to AWS IoT SiteWise real-time, and another data source pointing to /**/Data2 AWS IoT SiteWise buffered using Amazon S3

  9. In the Advanced configuration pane, you can do the following:

    1. Choose a Message security mode for connections and data in transit between your source server and your SiteWise Edge gateway. This field is the combination of the OPC-UA security policy and message security mode. Choose the same security policy and message security mode that you specified for your OPC-UA server.

    2. If your source requires authentication, choose an AWS Secrets Manager secret from the Authentication configuration list. The SiteWise Edge gateway uses the authentication credentials in this secret when it connects to this data source. You must attach secrets to your SiteWise Edge gateway's AWS IoT Greengrass component to use them for data source authentication. For more information, see Configuring data source authentication.


      Your data server might have an option named Allow anonymous login. If this option is Yes, then your source doesn't require authentication.

    3. (Optional) Enter a Data stream prefix. The SiteWise Edge gateway adds this prefix to all data streams from this source. Use a data stream prefix to distinguish between data streams that have the same name from different sources. Each data stream should have a unique name within your account.

    4. (Optional) For Property groups, choose Add new group.

      1. Enter a Name for the property group.

      2. For Properties:

        1. For Node paths, add OPC-UA node filters to limit which OPC-UA paths are uploaded to AWS IoT SiteWise. The format is similar to Node ID for selection.

      3. For Group settings, do the following:

        1. For Data quality setting, choose the type of data quality that you want AWS IoT SiteWise Collector to ingest.

        2. For Scan mode setting, configure following standard subscription properties:

          • For Scan mode, choose one of the following: For more information about scan mode, see Filter data ingestion ranges with OPC-UA.

            • To send every data point, choose Subscribe and set the following:

              • Data change trigger – The condition that initiates a data change alert.

              • Subscription queue size – The depth of the queue on an OPC–UA server for a particular metric where notifications for monitored items are queued.

              • Subscription publishing interval – The interval (in milliseconds) of publishing cycle specified when subscription is created.

              • Snapshot interval – The snapshot frequency timeout setting to ensure that AWS IoT SiteWise Edge ingests a steady stream of data.

              • Scan rate – The rate that you want the SiteWise Edge gateway to read your registers. AWS IoT SiteWise automatically calculates the minimum allowable scan rate for your SiteWise Edge gateway.

            • To send data points at a specific interval, choose Poll and enter a scan rate.

        3. If you choose a Scan mode of Subscibe, configure a Deadband type and related settings for your source. This controls what data your source sends to your AWS IoT SiteWise, and what data it discards. For more information about the deadband setting, see Filter data ingestion ranges with OPC-UA.

  10. Choose Save.