Configure the AWS CLI for AWS IoT SiteWise real-time data - AWS IoT SiteWise

Configure the AWS CLI for AWS IoT SiteWise real-time data

Configure the AWS CLI for AWS IoT SiteWise real-time data ingestion when you need immediate processing and analysis of your industrial data. This mode sends your data directly to AWS IoT SiteWise as soon as it's generated, without any buffering or local storage. Real-time data ingestion is ideal for scenarios where you have a stable and reliable network connection, and require faster insights from your data.

AWS IoT SiteWise real-time data ingestion has several benefits, including:

  • Immediate data availability – Your data is available in AWS IoT SiteWise, enabling real-time monitoring and alerting.

  • Reduced latency – Without intermediate storage or buffering, you minimize the delay between data generation and analysis.

  • Simplified architecture – Direct ingestion reduces the need for additional storage components in your data pipeline.

  • Real-time decision making – You have the ability to respond quickly to changing conditions in your industrial processes.

This example shows configuration steps for setting up real-time data ingestion using the AWS CLI:

... "destination": { "type": "StreamManager", "streamName": "SiteWise_Stream", "streamBufferSize": integer } ...

See Configure an OPC UA source (CLI) for the data source configuration model. In the data source configuration, the destination configuration determines where the incoming data values are transmitted to. The name of the stream defined in the configuration must be SiteWise_Stream.