Using conditional functions in formula expressions - AWS IoT SiteWise

Using conditional functions in formula expressions

In transforms and metrics, you can use the following function to check a condition and return different results, whether the condition evaluates to true or false.

Function Description

if(condition, result_if_true, result_if_false)

Evaluates the condition and returns result_if_true if the condition evaluates to true or result_if_false if the condition evaluates to false.

condition must be a number. This function considers 0 and an empty string as false and everything else (including NaN) as true. Booleans convert to 0 (false) and 1 (true).

You can return the none constant from this function to discard the output for a particular condition. This means you can filter out data points that don't meet a condition. For more information, see Filtering data points.

  • if(0, x, y) returns the variable y.

  • if(5, x, y) returns the variable x.

  • if(gt(temp, 300), x, y) returns the variable x if the variable temp is greater than 300.

  • if(gt(temp, 300), temp, none) returns the variable temp if it's greater than or equal to 300, or none (no value) if temp is less than 300.

We recommend that you use UFCS for nested conditional functions where one or more arguments are conditional functions. You can use if(condition, result_if_true) to evaluate a condition and elif(condition, result_if_true, result_if_false) to evaluate additional conditions.

For example, you can use if(condition1, result1_if_true).elif(condition2, result2_if_true, result2_if_false) instead of if(condition1, result1_if_true, if(condition2, result2_if_true, result2_if_false)).

You can also chain additional intermediate conditional functions. For example, you can use if(condition1, result1_if_true).elif(condition2, result2_if_true).elif(condition3, result3_if_true, result3_if_false) instead of nesting multiple if statements, such as if(condition1, result1_if_true, if(condition2, result2_if_true, if(condition3, result3_if_true result3_if_false))).


You must use elif(condition, result_if_true, result_if_false) with UFCS.