Filter assets on a SiteWise Edge gateway - AWS IoT SiteWise

Filter assets on a SiteWise Edge gateway

You can use edge filtering to more efficiently manage your assets by sending only a subset of assets to a specific SiteWise Edge gateway for use in data processing. If your assets are arranged in a tree, or parent-child, structure, you can set up an IAM policy attached to a SiteWise Edge gateway’s IAM role that only allows the root of the tree, or parent, and its children to be sent to a specific SiteWise Edge gateway.


If you’re arranging existing assets into a tree structure, after you’ve created the structure, go into each existing asset that you added to the structure and choose Edit and then choose Save to make sure AWS IoT SiteWise recognizes the new structure.

Set up edge filtering

Set up edge filtering on your SiteWise Edge gateway by adding the following IAM policy to the SiteWise Edge gateway’s IAM role, replacing <root-asset-id> with the ID of the root asset you want to send to the SiteWise Edge gateway.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": [ "iotsitewise:DescribeAsset", "iotsitewise:ListAssociatedAssets" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:iotsitewise:*:*:asset/*", "Condition": { "StringNotLike": { "iotsitewise:assetHierarchyPath": "/<root-asset-id>*" } } } ] }

If there are assets currently on your SiteWise Edge gateway that you'd like to remove, log into your SiteWise Edge gateway and run the following command to force the SiteWise Edge gateway to sync with AWS IoT SiteWise by deleting the cache.

sudo rm /greengrass/v2/work/aws.iot.SiteWiseEdgeProcessor/sync-app/sync_resource_bundles/edge.json