Using service logs - AWS IoT SiteWise

Using service logs

SiteWise Edge gateway devices include service log files to help debug issues. The following sections will help you find and utilize the service log files for the AWS IoT SiteWise OPC-UA Collector and AWS IoT SiteWise Publisher components.

AWS IoT SiteWise OPC-UA Collector service log file

The AWS IoT SiteWise OPC-UA Collector component uses the following log file.

To view this component's logs
  • Run the following command on the core device to view this component's log file in real time. Replace /greengrass/v2 or C:\greengrass\v2 with the path to the AWS IoT Greengrass root folder.

    sudo tail -f /greengrass/v2/logs/aws.iot.SiteWiseEdgeCollectorOpcua.log
    Windows (PowerShell)
    Get-Content C:\greengrass\v2\logs\aws.iot.SiteWiseEdgeCollectorOpcua.log -Tail 10 -Wait

AWS IoT SiteWise Publisher service log file

The AWS IoT SiteWise Publisher component uses the following log file.

To view this component's logs
  • Run the following command on the core device to view this component's log file in real time. Replace /greengrass/v2 or C:\greengrass\v2 with the path to the AWS IoT Greengrass root folder.

    sudo tail -f /greengrass/v2/logs/aws.iot.SiteWiseEdgePublisher.log
    Windows (PowerShell)
    Get-Content C:\greengrass\v2\logs\aws.iot.SiteWiseEdgePublisher.log -Tail 10 -Wait