Inspect errors - AWS IoT SiteWise

Inspect errors

Inspect error details (console)

Error details in the AWS IoT SiteWise console:
  1. Navigate to the AWS IoT SiteWise console.

  2. See the Jobs progress table in AWS IoT SiteWise console for a list of bulk operation jobs.

  3. Select a job to view the job details.

  4. If a job's status is COMPLETED or ERROR, the Total resources count equals the sum of the detailed counts (Succeeded, Failed, and Skipped).

  5. If a job's status is ERROR, check the Job failures table for details about the specific errors and failures.

  6. The Job failures table displays the content from the job report. The Resource type field indicates the location of the error or failures, such as the following:

    • For example, a validation error in the Bulk operations template in the Resource type field indicates that the import template and metadata schema file format don't match. See AWS IoT SiteWise metadata transfer job schema for more information.

    • A failed Asset in the Resource type field indicates that the asset is not created because of a conflict with another asset. See Common errors for information on AWS IoT SiteWise resource errors and conflicts.

Inspect error details (AWS CLI)

To handle and diagnose errors produced during a transfer job, see the following procedure about using the GetMetadataTransferJob API action:

  1. After creating and running a transfer job, call GetMetadataTransferJob:

    aws iottwinmaker get-metadata-transfer-job \ --metadata-transfer-job-id your_metadata_transfer_job_id \ --region us-east-1
  2. Once you see the state of the job turn to COMPLETED, you can start verifying the results of the job.

  3. When you call GetMetadataTransferJob, it returns an object called MetadataTransferJobProgress.

    The MetadataTransferJobProgress object contains the following parameters:

    • failedCount: Indicates the count of assets that failed during the transfer process.

    • skippedCount: Indicates the count of assets that were skipped during the transfer process.

    • succeededCount: Indicates the count of assets that succeeded during the transfer process.

    • totalCount: Indicates the total count of assets involved in the transfer process.

  4. Additionally, the API call returns an element reportUrl, which contains a presigned URL. If your transfer job has any issues that you need to investigate further, visit this url.