In a few steps, you can add or remove users as administrators for a portal. Based on the user authentication service, choose one of the following options.

To add portal administrators
On the portal details page, in the Portal administrators section, choose Assign administrators.
On the Assign administrators page, select the check boxes for the users to add to the portal as administrators.
If you use IAM Identity Center as your identity store, and you're signed in to your AWS Organizations management account, you can choose Create user to create an IAM Identity Center user. IAM Identity Center sends the new user an email for them to set their password. You can then assign the user to the portal as an administrator. For more information, see Manage identities in IAM Identity Center.
Choose Assign administrators.

To remove portal administrators
On the portal details page, in the Portal administrators section, select the check box for each user to remove, and then choose Remove from portal.
We recommend that you select at least one portal administrator.