Troubleshooting bulk import and export operations - AWS IoT SiteWise

Troubleshooting bulk import and export operations

To handle and diagnose errors produced during a transfer job, see the AWS IoT TwinMaker GetMetadataTransferJob API:

  1. After creating and running a transfer job, call the GetMetadataTransferJob API:

    aws iottwinmaker get-metadata-transfer-job \ --metadata-transfer-job-id your_metadata_transfer_job_id \ --region us-east-1
  2. The state of the job changes to one of the below states:



    • ERROR

  3. The GetMetadataTransferJob API returns a MetadataTransferJobProgress object.

  4. The MetadataTransferJobProgress object contains the following parameters:

    • failedCount : Indicates the count of assets that failed during the transfer process.

    • skippedCount : Indicates the count of assets that were skipped during the transfer process.

    • succeededCount : Indicates the count of assets that succeeded during the transfer process.

    • totalCount : Indicates the total count of assets involved in the transfer process.

  5. Additionally a reportUrl element is returned by the API call, which contains a pre-signed URL. If your transfer job has errors that needs investigation, you can download a full error report at this URL.