Upgrading a connector - AWS IoT SiteWise

Upgrading a connector


Version 6 of the IoT SiteWise connector introduces new requirements: AWS IoT Greengrass Core software v1.10.0 and stream manager. Before you upgrade your connector, check that your SiteWise Edge gateway meets these requirements, or you won't be able to deploy your SiteWise Edge gateway.

You can easily upgrade your SiteWise Edge gateway's connector after a new IoT SiteWise connector version is released.


In this procedure, you redeploy your Greengrass group and restart your SiteWise Edge gateway. Your SiteWise Edge gateway won't ingest data while it's restarting. The time to restart your SiteWise Edge gateway depends on the number of tags on your SiteWise Edge gateway's sources. Restart time can range from a few seconds (for a SiteWise Edge gateway with few tags) to several minutes (for a SiteWise Edge gateway with many tags).

To upgrade an IoT SiteWise connector
  1. Navigate to the AWS IoT Greengrass console.

  2. In the navigation pane, under Greengrass, choose Groups, and then choose the group that you created when you set up your SiteWise Edge gateway.

    AWS IoT Greengrass "Greengrass Groups" page screenshot.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Connectors.

  4. On the Connectors page, choose Available next to the IoT SiteWise connector.

    AWS IoT Greengrass "Greengrass Connectors" with an available upgrade screenshot.

    If you don't see the Available element, your connector is already the latest version.

  5. On the Upgrade connector page, enter your connector's parameters and then choose Upgrade.

  6. In the upper-right corner, in the Actions menu, choose Deploy.

  7. Choose Automatic detection to start the deployment.

    If the deployment fails, choose Deploy again. If the deployment continues to fail, see AWS IoT Greengrass deployment troubleshooting.