GetPositionEstimate - AWS IoT Wireless


Get estimated position information as a payload in GeoJSON format. The payload measurement data is resolved using solvers that are provided by third-party vendors.

Request Syntax

POST /position-estimate HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "CellTowers": { "Cdma": [ { "BaseLat": number, "BaseLng": number, "BaseStationId": number, "CdmaLocalId": { "CdmaChannel": number, "PnOffset": number }, "CdmaNmr": [ { "BaseStationId": number, "CdmaChannel": number, "PilotPower": number, "PnOffset": number } ], "NetworkId": number, "PilotPower": number, "RegistrationZone": number, "SystemId": number } ], "Gsm": [ { "GeranCid": number, "GsmLocalId": { "Bcch": number, "Bsic": number }, "GsmNmr": [ { "Bcch": number, "Bsic": number, "GlobalIdentity": { "GeranCid": number, "Lac": number }, "RxLevel": number } ], "GsmTimingAdvance": number, "Lac": number, "Mcc": number, "Mnc": number, "RxLevel": number } ], "Lte": [ { "EutranCid": number, "LteLocalId": { "Earfcn": number, "Pci": number }, "LteNmr": [ { "Earfcn": number, "EutranCid": number, "Pci": number, "Rsrp": number, "Rsrq": number } ], "LteTimingAdvance": number, "Mcc": number, "Mnc": number, "NrCapable": boolean, "Rsrp": number, "Rsrq": number, "Tac": number } ], "Tdscdma": [ { "Lac": number, "Mcc": number, "Mnc": number, "PathLoss": number, "Rscp": number, "TdscdmaLocalId": { "CellParams": number, "Uarfcn": number }, "TdscdmaNmr": [ { "CellParams": number, "PathLoss": number, "Rscp": number, "Uarfcn": number, "UtranCid": number } ], "TdscdmaTimingAdvance": number, "UtranCid": number } ], "Wcdma": [ { "Lac": number, "Mcc": number, "Mnc": number, "PathLoss": number, "Rscp": number, "UtranCid": number, "WcdmaLocalId": { "Psc": number, "Uarfcndl": number }, "WcdmaNmr": [ { "PathLoss": number, "Psc": number, "Rscp": number, "Uarfcndl": number, "UtranCid": number } ] } ] }, "Gnss": { "AssistAltitude": number, "AssistPosition": [ number ], "CaptureTime": number, "CaptureTimeAccuracy": number, "Payload": "string", "Use2DSolver": boolean }, "Ip": { "IpAddress": "string" }, "Timestamp": number, "WiFiAccessPoints": [ { "MacAddress": "string", "Rss": number } ] }

URI Request Parameters

The request does not use any URI parameters.

Request Body

The request accepts the following data in JSON format.


Retrieves an estimated device position by resolving measurement data from cellular radio towers. The position is resolved using HERE's cellular-based solver.

Type: CellTowers object

Required: No


Retrieves an estimated device position by resolving the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) scan data. The position is resolved using the GNSS solver powered by LoRa Cloud.

Type: Gnss object

Required: No


Retrieves an estimated device position by resolving the IP address information from the device. The position is resolved using MaxMind's IP-based solver.

Type: Ip object

Required: No


Optional information that specifies the time when the position information will be resolved. It uses the Unix timestamp format. If not specified, the time at which the request was received will be used.

Type: Timestamp

Required: No


Retrieves an estimated device position by resolving WLAN measurement data. The position is resolved using HERE's Wi-Fi based solver.

Type: Array of WiFiAccessPoint objects

Required: No

Response Syntax

HTTP/1.1 200 GeoJsonPayload

Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The response returns the following as the HTTP body.


The position information of the resource, displayed as a JSON payload. The payload is of type blob and uses the GeoJSON format, which a format that's used to encode geographic data structures. A sample payload contains the timestamp information, the WGS84 coordinates of the location, and the accuracy and confidence level. For more information and examples, see Resolve device location (console).


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


User does not have permission to perform this action.

HTTP Status Code: 403


An unexpected error occurred while processing a request.

HTTP Status Code: 500


Resource does not exist.

HTTP Status Code: 404


The request was denied because it exceeded the allowed API request rate.

HTTP Status Code: 429


The input did not meet the specified constraints.

HTTP Status Code: 400

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: