View CloudWatch AWS IoT Wireless log entries - AWS IoT Wireless

View CloudWatch AWS IoT Wireless log entries

After you've configured logging for AWS IoT Wireless as described in Create logging role and policy for AWS IoT Wireless and written some log entries, you can view the log entries in the CloudWatch console by performing the following steps.

Viewing AWS IoT logs in the CloudWatch Log groups console

In the CloudWatch console, CloudWatch logs appear in a log group named /aws/iotwireless. For more information about CloudWatch Logs, see CloudWatch Logs.

To view your AWS IoT logs in the CloudWatch console

Navigate to the CloudWatch console and choose Log groups in the navigation pane.

  1. In the Filter text box, enter /aws/iotwireless, and then choose the /aws/iotwireless Log group.

  2. To see a complete list of the AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN logs generated for your account, choose Search all. To look at an individual log stream, choose the expand icon.

  3. To filter the log streams, you can also enter a query in the Filter events text box. Here are some queries to try:

    • { $.logLevel = "ERROR" }

      Use this filter to find all logs that have a log level of ERROR and you can expand the individual error streams to read the error messages, which will help you resolve them.

    • { $.resource = "WirelessGateway" }

      Find all logs for the WirelessGateway resource regardless of the log level.

    • { $.event = "CUPS_Request" && $.logLevel = "ERROR" }

      Find all logs that have an event type of CUPS_Request and a log level of ERROR.

Events and resource types

The following table shows the different types of events for which you'll see log entries. The event types also depend on whether the resource type is a wireless device or a wireless gateway. You can use the default log level for the resources and event types or override the default log level by specifying a log level for each of them.

Event types based on resources used
Resource Resource type Event type
Wireless gateway LoRaWAN
  • CUPS_Request

  • Certificate

Wireless device LoRaWAN
  • Join

  • Rejoin

  • Uplink_Data

  • Downlink_Data

Wireless device Sidewalk
  • Registration

  • Uplink_Data

  • Downlink_Data

The following topic contains more information about these event types and the log entries for wireless gateways and wireless devices.