Simple alarm - AWS IoT Events

Simple alarm

This detector model is one of the templates available from the AWS IoT Events console. It's included here for your convenience.

{ "detectorModelDefinition": { "states": [ { "onInput": { "transitionEvents": [ { "eventName": "not_fixed", "actions": [], "condition": "timeout(\"snoozeTime\")", "nextState": "Alarming" }, { "eventName": "reset", "actions": [], "condition": "$input.AWS_IoTEvents_Blueprints_Simple_Alarm_Input.command == \"reset\"", "nextState": "Normal" } ], "events": [ { "eventName": "DND", "actions": [ { "setVariable": { "variableName": "dnd_active", "value": "1" } } ], "condition": "$input.AWS_IoTEvents_Blueprints_Simple_Alarm_Input.command == \"dnd\"" } ] }, "stateName": "Snooze", "onEnter": { "events": [ { "eventName": "Create Timer", "actions": [ { "setTimer": { "seconds": 120, "timerName": "snoozeTime" } } ], "condition": "true" } ] }, "onExit": { "events": [] } }, { "onInput": { "transitionEvents": [ { "eventName": "out_of_range", "actions": [], "condition": "$input.AWS_IoTEvents_Blueprints_Simple_Alarm_Input.value > $variable.threshold", "nextState": "Alarming" } ], "events": [ { "eventName": "Create Config variables", "actions": [ { "setVariable": { "variableName": "threshold", "value": "$input.AWS_IoTEvents_Blueprints_Simple_Alarm_Input.threshold" } } ], "condition": "$variable.threshold != $variable.threshold" } ] }, "stateName": "Normal", "onEnter": { "events": [ { "eventName": "Init", "actions": [ { "setVariable": { "variableName": "dnd_active", "value": "0" } } ], "condition": "true" } ] }, "onExit": { "events": [] } }, { "onInput": { "transitionEvents": [ { "eventName": "reset", "actions": [], "condition": "$input.AWS_IoTEvents_Blueprints_Simple_Alarm_Input.command == \"reset\"", "nextState": "Normal" }, { "eventName": "acknowledge", "actions": [], "condition": "$input.AWS_IoTEvents_Blueprints_Simple_Alarm_Input.command == \"acknowledge\"", "nextState": "Snooze" } ], "events": [ { "eventName": "Escalated Alarm Notification", "actions": [ { "sns": { "targetArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:escalatedAlarmNotification" } } ], "condition": "timeout(\"unacknowledgeTIme\")" } ] }, "stateName": "Alarming", "onEnter": { "events": [ { "eventName": "Alarm Notification", "actions": [ { "sns": { "targetArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:alarmNotification" } }, { "setTimer": { "seconds": 300, "timerName": "unacknowledgeTIme" } } ], "condition": "$variable.dnd_active != 1" } ] }, "onExit": { "events": [] } } ], "initialStateName": "Normal" }, "detectorModelDescription": "This detector model is used to detect if a monitored device is in an Alarming State.", "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/IoTEventsRole", "key": "alarmId" }