Archivia un file su Amazon S3 Glacier, ricevi notifiche e avvia un processo utilizzando un SDK AWS - Amazon S3 Glacier

Se non conosci lo spazio di archiviazione di Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), ti consigliamo di consultare ulteriori informazioni sulle classi di archiviazione S3 Glacier in Amazon S3, recupero istantaneo S3 Glacier, recupero flessibile S3 Glacier e Deep Archive S3 Glacier. Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta le classi di storage S3 Glacier e le classi di storage per l'archiviazione di oggetti nella Amazon S3 User Guide.

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Archivia un file su Amazon S3 Glacier, ricevi notifiche e avvia un processo utilizzando un SDK AWS

L'esempio di codice seguente mostra come:

  • Creare una vault Amazon S3 Glacier.

  • Configurare la vault per pubblicare le notifiche in un argomento Amazon SNS.

  • Caricare il file di archivio sulla vault.

  • Avvia un processo di recupero di archivio.

SDK per Python (Boto3)

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Crea una classe che include le operazioni di S3 Glacier.

import argparse import logging import os import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class GlacierWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon S3 Glacier API operations.""" def __init__(self, glacier_resource): """ :param glacier_resource: A Boto3 Amazon S3 Glacier resource. """ self.glacier_resource = glacier_resource def create_vault(self, vault_name): """ Creates a vault. :param vault_name: The name to give the vault. :return: The newly created vault. """ try: vault = self.glacier_resource.create_vault(vaultName=vault_name)"Created vault %s.", vault_name) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't create vault %s.", vault_name) raise else: return vault def list_vaults(self): """ Lists vaults for the current account. """ try: for vault in self.glacier_resource.vaults.all():"Got vault %s.", except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't list vaults.") raise @staticmethod def upload_archive(vault, archive_description, archive_file): """ Uploads an archive to a vault. :param vault: The vault where the archive is put. :param archive_description: A description of the archive. :param archive_file: The archive file to put in the vault. :return: The uploaded archive. """ try: archive = vault.upload_archive( archiveDescription=archive_description, body=archive_file ) "Uploaded %s with ID %s to vault %s.", archive_description,,, ) except ClientError: logger.exception( "Couldn't upload %s to %s.", archive_description, ) raise else: return archive @staticmethod def initiate_archive_retrieval(archive): """ Initiates an archive retrieval job. Standard retrievals typically complete within 3—5 hours. When the job completes, you can get the archive contents by calling get_output(). :param archive: The archive to retrieve. :return: The archive retrieval job. """ try: job = archive.initiate_archive_retrieval()"Started %s job with ID %s.", job.action, except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't start job on archive %s.", raise else: return job @staticmethod def list_jobs(vault, job_type): """ Lists jobs by type for the specified vault. :param vault: The vault to query. :param job_type: The type of job to list. :return: The list of jobs of the requested type. """ job_list = [] try: if job_type == "all": jobs = elif job_type == "in_progress": jobs = vault.jobs_in_progress.all() elif job_type == "completed": jobs = vault.completed_jobs.all() elif job_type == "succeeded": jobs = vault.succeeded_jobs.all() elif job_type == "failed": jobs = vault.failed_jobs.all() else: jobs = [] logger.warning("%s isn't a type of job I can get.", job_type) for job in jobs: job_list.append(job)"Got %s %s job %s.", job_type, job.action, except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get %s jobs from %s.", job_type, raise else: return job_list def set_notifications(self, vault, sns_topic_arn): """ Sets an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic as a target for notifications. Amazon S3 Glacier publishes messages to this topic for the configured list of events. :param vault: The vault to set up to publish notifications. :param sns_topic_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic that receives notifications. :return: Data about the new notification configuration. """ try: notification = self.glacier_resource.Notification("-", notification.set( vaultNotificationConfig={ "SNSTopic": sns_topic_arn, "Events": [ "ArchiveRetrievalCompleted", "InventoryRetrievalCompleted", ], } ) "Notifications will be sent to %s for events %s from %s.", notification.sns_topic,, notification.vault_name, ) except ClientError: logger.exception( "Couldn't set notifications to %s on %s.", sns_topic_arn, ) raise else: return notification

Chiama le funzioni sulla classe wrapper per creare una vault e caricare un file, quindi configura la vault per pubblicare notifiche e avviare un processo per recuperare l'archivio.

def upload_demo(glacier, vault_name, topic_arn): """ Shows how to: * Create a vault. * Configure the vault to publish notifications to an Amazon SNS topic. * Upload an archive. * Start a job to retrieve the archive. :param glacier: A Boto3 Amazon S3 Glacier resource. :param vault_name: The name of the vault to create. :param topic_arn: The ARN of an Amazon SNS topic that receives notification of Amazon S3 Glacier events. """ print(f"\nCreating vault {vault_name}.") vault = glacier.create_vault(vault_name) print("\nList of vaults in your account:") glacier.list_vaults() print(f"\nUploading to {}.") with open("", "rb") as upload_file: archive = glacier.upload_archive(vault, "", upload_file) print( "\nStarting an archive retrieval request to get the file back from the " "vault." ) glacier.initiate_archive_retrieval(archive) print("\nListing in progress jobs:") glacier.list_jobs(vault, "in_progress") print( "\nBecause Amazon S3 Glacier is intended for infrequent retrieval, an " "archive request with Standard retrieval typically completes within 3–5 " "hours." ) if topic_arn: notification = glacier.set_notifications(vault, topic_arn) print( f"\nVault {} is configured to notify the " f"{notification.sns_topic} topic when {} " f"events occur. You can subscribe to this topic to receive " f"a message when the archive retrieval completes.\n" ) else: print( f"\nVault {} is not configured to notify an Amazon SNS topic " f"when the archive retrieval completes so wait a few hours." ) print("\nRetrieve your job output by running this script with the --retrieve flag.")

Per un elenco completo delle guide per sviluppatori AWS SDK e degli esempi di codice, consultaUsare S3 Glacier con un SDK AWS. Questo argomento include anche informazioni su come iniziare e dettagli sulle versioni precedenti dell'SDK.