Connecting to multiple clusters with CloudHSM CLI - AWS CloudHSM

Connecting to multiple clusters with CloudHSM CLI

With Client SDK 5, you can configure CloudHSM CLI to allow connections to multiple CloudHSM clusters from a single CLI instance.

Use the instructions in this topic to use the CloudHSM CLI use multi-cluster functionality to connect with multiple clusters.

Multi-cluster prerequisites

  • Two or more AWS CloudHSM clusters to which you’d like to connect to, along with their cluster certificates.

  • An EC2 instance with Security Groups correctly configured to connect to all of the clusters above. For more information about how to set up a cluster and the client instance, refer to Getting started with AWS CloudHSM.

  • To set up multi-cluster functionality, you must have already downloaded and installed the CloudHSM CLI. If you have not already done this, refer to the instructions in Getting started with CloudHSM Command Line Interface (CLI).

  • You will not be able to access a cluster configured with ./configure-cli[.exe] -a since it will not be associated with a cluster-id. You can reconfigure it by following config-cli add-cluster as described in this guide.

Configure the CloudHSM CLI for multi-cluster functionality

To configure your CloudHSM CLI for multi-cluster functionality, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the clusters you want to connect to.

  2. Add these clusters to your CloudHSM CLI configuration using the configure-cli subcommand add-cluster as described below.

  3. Restart any CloudHSM CLI processes in order for the new configuration to take effect.

configure-cli add-cluster

When connecting to multiple clusters, use the configure-cli add-cluster command to add a cluster to your configuration.


configure-cli add-cluster [OPTIONS] --cluster-id <CLUSTER ID> [--region <REGION>] [--endpoint <ENDPOINT>] [--hsm-ca-cert <HSM CA CERTIFICATE FILE>] [--server-client-cert-file <CLIENT CERTIFICATE FILE>] [--server-client-key-file <CLIENT KEY FILE>] [-h, --help]


Use the configure-cli add-cluster along with the cluster-id parameter to add a cluster (with the ID of cluster-1234567) to your configuration.

$ sudo /opt/cloudhsm/bin/configure-cli add-cluster --cluster-id cluster-1234567
C:\Program Files\Amazon\CloudHSM\> .\configure-cli.exe add-cluster --cluster-id cluster-1234567

If using configure-cli add-cluster with the cluster-id parameter doesn't result in the cluster being added, refer to the following example for a longer version of this command that also requires --region and --endpoint parameters to identify the cluster being added. If, for example, the region of the cluster is different than the one configured as your AWS CLI default, you should use the --region parameter to use the correct region. Additionally, you have the ability to specify the AWS CloudHSM API endpoint to use for the call, which may be necessary for various network setups, such as using VPC interface endpoints that don’t use the default DNS hostname for AWS CloudHSM.

Use the configure-cli add-cluster along with the cluster-id, endpoint, and region parameters to add a cluster (with the ID of cluster-1234567) to your configuration.

$ sudo /opt/cloudhsm/bin/configure-cli add-cluster --cluster-id cluster-1234567 --region us-east-1 --endpoint
C:\Program Files\Amazon\CloudHSM\> .\configure-cli.exe add-cluster --cluster-id cluster-1234567 --region us-east-1 --endpoint

For more information about the --cluster-id, --region, and --endpoint parameters, see Parameters.


--cluster-id <Cluster ID>

Makes a DescribeClusters call to find all of the HSM elastic network interface (ENI) IP addresses in the cluster associated with the cluster ID. The system adds the ENI IP addresses to the AWS CloudHSM configuration files.


If you use the --cluster-id parameter from an EC2 instance within a VPC that does not have access to the public internet, then you must create an interface VPC endpoint to connect with AWS CloudHSM. For more information about VPC endpoints, see AWS CloudHSM and VPC endpoints.

Required: Yes

--endpoint <Endpoint>

Specify the AWS CloudHSM API endpoint used for making the DescribeClusters call. You must set this option in combination with --cluster-id.

Required: No

--hsm-ca-cert <HsmCA Certificate Filepath>

Specifies the filepath to the HSM CA certificate.

Required: No

--region <Region>

Specify the region of your cluster. You must set this option in combination with --cluster-id.

If you don’t supply the --region parameter, the system chooses the region by attempting to read the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION or AWS_REGION environment variables. If those variables aren’t set, then the system checks the region associated with your profile in your AWS config file (typically ~/.aws/config) unless you specified a different file in the AWS_CONFIG_FILE environment variable. If none of the above are set, the system defaults to the us-east-1 region.

Required: No

--server-client-cert-file <Client Certificate Filepath>

Path to the client certificate used for TLS client-server mutual authentication.

Only use this option if you don’t wish to use the default key and SSL/TLS certificate we include with Client SDK 5. You must set this option in combination with --server-client-key-file.

Required: No

--server-client-key-file <Client Key Filepath>

Path to the client key used for TLS client-server mutual authentication.

Only use this option if you don’t wish to use the default key and SSL/TLS certificate we include with Client SDK 5. You must set this option in combination with --server-client-cert-file.

Required: No

configure-cli remove-cluster

When connecting to multiple clusters with CloudHSM CLI, use the configure-cli remove-cluster command to remove a cluster from your configuration.


configure-cli remove-cluster [OPTIONS] --cluster-id <CLUSTER ID> [-h, --help]


Use the configure-cli remove-cluster along with the cluster-id parameter to remove a cluster (with the ID of cluster-1234567) from your configuration.

$ sudo /opt/cloudhsm/bin/configure-cli remove-cluster --cluster-id cluster-1234567
C:\Program Files\Amazon\CloudHSM\> .\configure-cli.exe remove-cluster --cluster-id cluster-1234567

For more information about the --cluster-id parameter, see Parameters.


--cluster-id <Cluster ID>

The ID of the cluster to remove from the configuration.

Required: Yes

Using multiple clusters

After configuring multiple clusters with CloudHSM CLI, use the cloudhsm-cli command to interact with them.


Use the Interactive mode along with the cluster-id parameter to set a default cluster (with the ID of cluster-1234567) from your configuration.

$ cloudhsm-cli interactive --cluster-id cluster-1234567
C:\Program Files\Amazon\CloudHSM\> .\cloudhsm-cli.exe interactive --cluster-id cluster-1234567

Use the cluster-id parameter to set the cluster (with the ID of cluster-1234567) to get cluster hsm-info from.

$ cloudhsm-cli cluster hsm-info --cluster-id cluster-1234567
C:\Program Files\Amazon\CloudHSM\> .\cloudhsm-cli.exe cluster hsm-info --cluster-id cluster-1234567