Use AllocateHosts with an AWS SDK or CLI - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Use AllocateHosts with an AWS SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use AllocateHosts.


Example 1: To allocate a Dedicated Host

The following allocate-hosts example allocates a single Dedicated Host in the eu-west-1a Availability Zone, onto which you can launch m5.large instances. By default, the Dedicated Host accepts only target instance launches, and does not support host recovery.

<userinput>aws ec2 allocate-hosts \ --instance-type <replaceable>m5.large</replaceable> \ --availability-zone <replaceable>eu-west-1a</replaceable> \ --quantity <replaceable>1</replaceable></userinput>


{ "HostIds": [ "h-07879acf49EXAMPLE" ] }

Example 2: To allocate a Dedicated Host with auto-placement and host recovery enabled

The following allocate-hosts example allocates a single Dedicated Host in the eu-west-1a Availability Zone with auto-placement and host recovery enabled.

<userinput>aws ec2 allocate-hosts \ --instance-type <replaceable>m5.large</replaceable> \ --availability-zone <replaceable>eu-west-1a</replaceable> \ --auto-placement <replaceable>on</replaceable> \ --host-recovery <replaceable>on</replaceable> \ --quantity <replaceable>1</replaceable></userinput>


{ "HostIds": [ "h-07879acf49EXAMPLE" ] }

Example 3: To allocate a Dedicated Host with tags

The following allocate-hosts example allocates a single Dedicated Host and applies a tag with a key named purpose and a value of production.

<userinput>aws ec2 allocate-hosts \ --instance-type <replaceable>m5.large</replaceable> \ --availability-zone <replaceable>eu-west-1a</replaceable> \ --quantity <replaceable>1</replaceable> \ --tag-specifications '<replaceable>ResourceType=dedicated-host,Tags={Key=purpose,Value=production}</replaceable>'</userinput>


{ "HostIds": [ "h-07879acf49EXAMPLE" ] }

For more information, see Allocating Dedicated Hosts in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances.

  • For API details, see AllocateHosts in AWS CLI Command Reference.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example allocates a Dedicated Host to your account for the given instance type and availability zone

New-EC2Host -AutoPlacement on -AvailabilityZone eu-west-1b -InstanceType m4.xlarge -Quantity 1


  • For API details, see AllocateHosts in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.

For a complete list of AWS SDK developer guides and code examples, see Create Amazon EC2 resources using an AWS SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.