Passing through custom streams - Conductor Live and Elemental Statmux

Passing through custom streams

You can passthrough any stream from a source TS to the output MPTS. You can pass through any number of streams.

This section describes the procedure for passing through a stream whose PID isn't reserved for an SI/PSI table. For example, you might want to pass through a stream that isn't part of any program because your downstream system can use the data.

If you want to pass through an SI/PSI table rather than a custom stream, see the next section.

Setting up

You include the stream by setting it up in the MPTS as a passthrough stream. The source of the stream can be any well-formed transport stream.

To include a passthrough stream, design the workflow in the regular way. When you create the MPTS, add the passthrough stream. You must specify the following information for the stream:

  • The location where the upstream system is sending the source transport stream. Elemental Statmux listens for the stream at that location.

  • The PID to assign to this stream in the output MPTS.

For detailed instructions about passing through a stream, see Including passthrough streams in an MPTS.

Handling by Elemental Statmux

When the MPTS starts, Elemental Statmux connects to the location where the upstream system is publishing the transport stream, and extracts the packets for the specified PID.

  • Elemental Statmux ignores and discards any SI/PSI tables that are in the transport stream. It extracts only the specified stream.

  • Elemental Statmux includes the stream in the MPTS.

  • Elemental Statmux doesn't include the stream PID in any of the SI/PSI tables for the MPTS.