Prepara un'immagine del contenitore con il software del tuo server di gioco - Amazon GameLift

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Prepara un'immagine del contenitore con il software del tuo server di gioco

Questa documentazione riguarda una funzionalità che è in versione di anteprima pubblica. ed è soggetta a modifiche.

Il container è l'elemento fondamentale di una flotta di GameLift container Amazon. Il contenitore include il server di gioco, insieme alle sue dipendenze come SDK, software, directory e file.

Per funzionare in una flotta di container, il server di gioco deve funzionare su Linux ed essere integrato con il server SDK 5.x.

Configura la tua directory di lavoro

La tua directory di lavoro è dove metti tutti i file necessari per creare l'immagine del contenitore e definire come Amazon la GameLift esegue.

Per configurare la directory di lavoro del contenitore
  1. Crea la directory in cui desideri lavorare con le immagini dei tuoi GameLift container Amazon.

    Per esempio:

    [~/]$ mkdir -p work/glc/gamebuild && cd work && find . . ./glc ./glc/gamebuild
  2. Clona Amazon GameLift Agent.

    Per esempio:

    [~/work]$ git clone Cloning into 'amazon-gamelift-agent'...
  3. Costruiscilo GameLiftAgent usando Maven.

    Per esempio:

    [~/work]$ cd amazon-gamelift-agent

    [~/work/amazon-gamelift-agent]$ mvn clean compile assembly:single && \ mv target ../glc && cd .. && find glc
  4. Aggiungi un server di gioco integrato con il server SDK 5.x, costruito e impacchettato in un file. .ZIP

  5. Copia il file in. .ZIP ~/work/glc/gamebuild/

Se non disponi di un server di gioco SDK 5.x, puoi scaricare e utilizzare il nostro SimpleServergioco di esempio per provare a utilizzare una flotta di container.

[~/work]$ curl -o glc/gamebuild/ \ '' && % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 5140k 100 5140k 0 0 12.3M 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 12.3M glc glc/target glc/target/GameLiftAgent-1.0.jar glc/gamebuild glc/gamebuild/

Crea l'immagine del tuo container

Il tuo Dockerfile specifica l'ambiente, il software e le istruzioni per creare il tuo contenitore.

Per creare il tuo Dockerfile
  1. Spostati nella sottodirectory. glc

    [~/work]$ cd glc && find . ./target ./target/GameLiftAgent-1.0.jar ./gamebuild
  2. Crea e apri un nuovo Dockerfile.

    Per esempio:

    [~/work/glc]$ nano Dockerfile
  3. Copia da uno dei seguenti modelli, quindi incolla il contenuto nel tuo Dockerfile.

Questo modello contiene le istruzioni minime di cui un container ha bisogno per essere utilizzabile in una GameLift flotta Amazon. Modifica il contenuto in base alle esigenze del tuo server di gioco.

# Base image # ---------- # Add the base image that you want to use over here, # Make sure to use an image with the same architecture as the # Instance type you are planning to use on your fleets. # We require JDK to be installed in the base image, so that # it can be used to run the &AGS; Agent FROM # # Game build directory # -------------------- # Add your game build to gamebuild directory and add the zip file name in the 'GAME_BUILD_ZIP' env variable below. # The game build provided over here needs to be integrated with gamelift server sdk. # This template assumes that the game build is in a zip format. ENV GAME_BUILD_ZIP="<ADD_GAME_BUILD_ZIP_FILE_NAME>" \ # # Default directory # ----------------- # Default directory, the value provided here should be where the game executable exists. # Provide this same value as your launch path in RuntimeConfiguration when creating a fleet. # Ref: GAME_EXECUTABLE="<ADD NAME OF EXECUTABLE WITHIN THE GAME BUILD>" \ HOME_DIR="/local/game" \ # # Registered compute in anywhere fleet (not used in container fleets) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add the name for the registered compute in an anywhere fleet. # This environment variable is required only for anywhere fleets, but not for container fleets. # If it is set for container fleets, it will be overridden by Gamelift. GAMELIFT_COMPUTE_NAME="<ADD_COMPUTE_NAME>" \ # # Default Gamelift Agent jar # -------------------------- GAMELIFT_AGENT_EXEC="GameLiftAgent-1.0.jar" \ # # This env variable defines the name of the S3 bucket that stores the GameLift Agent logs. # This S3 bucket should exist in the customer AWS account. # In order to allow GameLift agent to upload logs to this s3 bucket, customers would need to # include s3:PutObject permission in the IAM role provided as instanceRoleArn during CreateFleet operation. GAMELIFT_AGENT_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME="<ADD NAME OF GAMELIFT AGENT LOGS S3 BUCKET>" \ # # ----------- # This env variable defines the name of the S3 bucket that stores the game session logs. # This S3 bucket should exist in the customer AWS account. # In order to allow GameLift agent to upload logs to this s3 bucket, customers would need to # include s3:PutObject permission in the IAM role provided as instanceRoleArn during CreateFleet operation. # ----------- GAME_SESSION_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME="<ADD NAME OF GAME SESSION LOGS S3 BUCKET>" \ # # ----------- GAMELIFT_AGENT_LOGS_PATH="/local/game/agentlogs/" \ # # NOT USED in container fleets - USED in Anywhere fleets # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Specifiy the type of compute resource used to host the game servers. # This env variable is required only for anywhere fleets, but not for container fleets. # If it is set for container fleets, it will be overridden by Gamelift. # # ----------- COMPUTE_TYPE="ANYWHERE" \ # # Specify the credential to be used for creating the client. # This env variable is required only for anywhere fleets, but not for container fleets. # If it is set for container fleets, it will be overridden by Gamelift. # # ----------- CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER="environment-variable" USER root # intall dependencies as necessary RUN yum install -y sudo \ unzip \ git \ shadow-utils \ iputils \ tar \ gcc \ make \ openssl-devel \ zlib-devel \ vim \ net-tools \ nc \ procps # Set up the ground for 'gamescale' user RUN groupadd -r gamescale -g 500 && \ useradd -u 500 -r -g gamescale -m -s /sbin/nologin -c "Gamescale user" gamescale && \ echo "gamescale ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | (EDITOR="tee -a" visudo) && \ mkdir -p $HOME_DIR && \ mkdir $HOME_DIR/mono && \ chown -R gamescale:gamescale $HOME_DIR WORKDIR $HOME_DIR # extract game build as necessary COPY ./gamebuild/$GAME_BUILD_ZIP . RUN unzip ./$GAME_BUILD_ZIP -d ./ # copy Gamelift Agent jar COPY ./gameliftAgent/$GAMELIFT_AGENT_EXEC ./ # Add permissions to game build and gamelift agent jar RUN chmod +x ./$GAME_EXECUTABLE RUN chmod +x ./$GAMELIFT_AGENT_EXEC # Check if java is installed on the image, if not then the Agent will not be able to run RUN java --version USER gamescale ENV PATH="$PATH:$HOME_DIR/bin:$JAVA_HOME" # Change directory to bin WORKDIR $HOME_DIR # check path before starting the container RUN echo $PATH # Create logs directory for GameLift Agent & server processes RUN mkdir logs RUN mkdir agentlogs # Start the GameLift Agent ENTRYPOINT sleep 90 && java -jar $GAMELIFT_AGENT_EXEC -ip "" -gslb "$GAME_SESSION_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME" -galb "$GAMELIFT_AGENT_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME" -galp "$GAMELIFT_AGENT_LOGS_PATH" -glc environment-variable
# Base image # ---------- # Add the base image that you want to use over here, # Make sure to use an image with the same architecture as the # Instance type you are planning to use on your fleets. # We require JDK to be installed in the base image, so that # it can be used to run the &AGS; Agent FROM # # Game build directory # -------------------- # Add your game build to gamebuild directory and add the zip file name in the 'GAME_BUILD_ZIP' env variable below. # The game build provided over here needs to be integrated with gamelift server sdk. # This template assumes that the game build is in a zip format. ENV GAME_BUILD_ZIP="" \ # # Default directory # ----------------- # Default directory, the value provided here should be where the game executable exists. # Provide this same value as your launch path in RuntimeConfiguration when creating a fleet. # Ref: GAME_EXECUTABLE="GameLiftSampleServer" \ HOME_DIR="/local/game" \ # # Registered compute in anywhere fleet (not used in container fleets) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add the name for the registered compute in an anywhere fleet. # This environment variable is required only for anywhere fleets, but not for container fleets. # If it is set for container fleets, it will be overridden by Gamelift. GAMELIFT_COMPUTE_NAME="<ADD_COMPUTE_NAME>" \ # # Default Gamelift Agent jar # -------------------------- GAMELIFT_AGENT_EXEC="GameLiftAgent-1.0.jar" \ # # This env variable defines the name of the S3 bucket that stores the GameLift Agent logs. # This S3 bucket should exist in the customer AWS account. # In order to allow GameLift agent to upload logs to this s3 bucket, customers would need to # include s3:PutObject permission in the IAM role provided as instanceRoleArn during CreateFleet operation. GAMELIFT_AGENT_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME="<ADD NAME OF GAMELIFT AGENT LOGS S3 BUCKET>" \ # # ----------- # This env variable defines the name of the S3 bucket that stores the game session logs. # This S3 bucket should exist in the customer AWS account. # In order to allow GameLift agent to upload logs to this s3 bucket, customers would need to # include s3:PutObject permission in the IAM role provided as instanceRoleArn during CreateFleet operation. # ----------- GAME_SESSION_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME="<ADD NAME OF GAME SESSION LOGS S3 BUCKET>" \ # # ----------- GAMELIFT_AGENT_LOGS_PATH="/local/game/agentlogs/" \ # # NOT USED in container fleets - USED in Anywhere fleets # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Specifiy the type of compute resource used to host the game servers. # This env variable is required only for anywhere fleets, but not for container fleets. # If it is set for container fleets, it will be overridden by Gamelift. # # ----------- COMPUTE_TYPE="ANYWHERE" \ # # Specify the credential to be used for creating the client. # This env variable is required only for anywhere fleets, but not for container fleets. # If it is set for container fleets, it will be overridden by Gamelift. # # ----------- CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER="environment-variable" USER root # intall dependencies as necessary RUN yum install -y sudo \ unzip \ git \ shadow-utils \ iputils \ tar \ gcc \ make \ openssl-devel \ zlib-devel \ vim \ net-tools \ nc \ procps # Set up the ground for 'gamescale' user RUN groupadd -r gamescale -g 500 && \ useradd -u 500 -r -g gamescale -m -s /sbin/nologin -c "Gamescale user" gamescale && \ echo "gamescale ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | (EDITOR="tee -a" visudo) && \ mkdir -p $HOME_DIR && \ mkdir $HOME_DIR/mono && \ chown -R gamescale:gamescale $HOME_DIR WORKDIR $HOME_DIR # extract game build as necessary COPY ./gamebuild/$GAME_BUILD_ZIP . RUN unzip ./$GAME_BUILD_ZIP -d ./ # copy Gamelift Agent jar COPY ./target/$GAMELIFT_AGENT_EXEC ./ # Add permissions to game build and gamelift agent jar RUN chmod +x ./$GAME_EXECUTABLE RUN chmod +x ./$GAMELIFT_AGENT_EXEC # Check if java is installed on the image, if not then the Agent will not be able to run RUN java --version USER gamescale ENV PATH "$PATH:$HOME_DIR/bin:$JAVA_HOME" # Change directory to bin WORKDIR $HOME_DIR # check path before starting the container RUN echo $PATH # Create logs directory for GameLift Agent & server processes RUN mkdir logs RUN mkdir agentlogs # Start the GameLift Agent ENTRYPOINT sleep 90 && java -jar $GAMELIFT_AGENT_EXEC -ip "" -gslb "$GAME_SESSION_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME" -galb "$GAMELIFT_AGENT_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME" -galp "$GAMELIFT_AGENT_LOGS_PATH" -glc environment-variable

Nota: alcune variabili di ambiente nel Dockerfile possono essere sovrascritte da. ContainerDefinition

Per creare l'immagine del contenitore
  1. Crea l'immagine del tuo contenitore.

    Se utilizzi il tuo server SDK 5.x

    Puoi specificare il nome del repository locale che desideri.

    [~/work/glc]$ docker build -t <local repository name>:<optional tag> .
    Se stai usando il nostro esempio SimpleServer
    [~/work/glc]$ docker build -t simple-server:version-1 . Successfully built 0123456789012 Successfully tagged simple-server:version-1

    Negli esempi seguenti, utilizziamo simpler-server come REPOSITORY valore iniziale e version-1 come valore. TAG

  2. Visualizza l'elenco delle immagini e prendi nota dei valori REPOSITORY andIMAGE ID. Ti serviranno nella procedura riportata di seguito.

    [~/work/glc]$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE simple-server version-1 0123456789012 14 minutes ago 1.24GB

Invia l'immagine del contenitore ad Amazon ECR

Carica l'immagine del contenitore in un repository privato in Amazon ECR. Quando crei una definizione di gruppo di container, fai riferimento a questa posizione del repository in modo che Amazon GameLift possa scattare un'istantanea dell'immagine del tuo container e utilizzarla per distribuire una flotta di container.


Se non disponi ancora di un repository privato Amazon ECR, creane uno.

Per ottenere le tue credenziali Amazon ECR
  • Prima di poter inviare l'immagine del contenitore ad Amazon ECR, devi acquisire le AWS credenziali in formato temporaneo e fornirle a Docker. Ottieni le tue credenziali Amazon ECR per consentire a Docker di accedere.

    [~/work/glc]$ aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/user-name/.docker/config.json. Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See Login Succeeded
Per inviare l'immagine del contenitore ad Amazon ECR
  1. Copia l'URI del repository privato Amazon ECR che desideri utilizzare.

  2. Applica un tag Amazon ECR all'immagine del contenitore.

    [~/work/glc]$ docker tag <IMAGE ID from above> <Amazon ECR private repository URI>:<optional tag>
  3. Invia l'immagine del contenitore ad Amazon ECR

    [~/work/glc]$ docker image push <Amazon ECR private repository URI>