Configuration profile: monitoring - AMS Accelerate User Guide

Configuration profile: monitoring

Both the default configuration profile document and the customization configuration profile document follow the same structure:

{ "<ResourceType>": { "<ConfigurationID>": { "Enabled": true, "Tag": { "Key": "...", "Value": "..." }, "AlarmDefinition": { ... } }, "<ConfigurationID>": { ... } }, "<ResourceType>": { ... } }
  • ResourceType: This key must be one of the following supported strings. The configuration within this JSON object will relate only to the specified AWS resource type. Supported resource types:

    AWS::EC2::Instance AWS::EC2::Instance::Disk AWS::RDS::DBInstance AWS::RDS::DBCluster AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain AWS::OpenSearch::Domain AWS::Redshift::Cluster AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer::TargetGroup AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer AWS::FSx::FileSystem::ONTAP AWS::FSx::FileSystem::ONTAP::Volume AWS::FSx::FileSystem::Windows AWS::EFS::FileSystem AWS::EC2::NatGateway AWS::EC2::VPNConnection
  • ConfigurationID: This key must be unique in the profile, and uniquely names the following block of configuration. If two configuration blocks in the same ResourceType block have the same ConfigurationID, the one that appears latest in the profile takes effect. If you specify a ConfigurationID in your customization profile that is the same as one specified in the default profile, the configuration block defined in the customization profile takes effect.

    • Enabled: (optional, default=true) Specifies if the configuration block will take effect. Set this to false to disable a configuration block. A disabled configuration block behaves as if it's not present in the profile.

    • Tag: Specifies the tag that this alarm definition applies to. Any resource (of the appropriate resource type) that has this tag key and value will have a CloudWatch alarm created with the given definition. This field is a JSON object with the following fields:

      • Key: The key of the tag to match. Keep in mind that if you're using Resource Tagger to apply the tags to the resource, the key for the tag will always begin with ams:rt:.

      • Value: The value of the tag to match.

    • AlarmDefinition: Defines the alarm to be created. This is a JSON object whose fields are passed as is to the CloudWatch PutMetricAlarm API call (with the exception of pseudoparameters; for more information, see Configuration profile: pseudoparameter substitution). For information about what fields are required, see the PutMetricAlarm documentation.


      CompositeAlarmDefinition: Defines a composite alarm to be created. When you create a composite alarm, you specify a rule expression for the alarm that takes into account the alarm state of other alarms that you have created. This is a JSON object whose fields are passed as-is to the CloudWatchPutCompositeAlarm. The composite alarm goes into ALARM state only if all conditions of the rule are met. The alarms specified in a composite alarm's rule expression can include metric alarms and other composite alarms. For information about what fields are required, see the PutCompositeAlarm documentation.

      Both options provide the following fields:

      • AlarmName: Specifies the name of the alarm you want to create for the resource. This field has all of the same rules as specified in the PutMetricAlarm documentation; however, since the alarm name must be unique in a Region, the Alarm Manager has one additional requirement: you must specify the unique identifier pseudoparameter in the name of the alarm (otherwise, Alarm Manager appends the unique identifier of the resource to the front of the alarm name). For example, for the AWS::EC2::Instance resource type, you must specify ${EC2::InstanceId} in the alarm name, or it's implicitly added at the start of the alarm name. For the list of identifiers, see Configuration profile: pseudoparameter substitution.

        All other fields are as specified in the PutMetricAlarm or the PutCompositeAlarm documentation.

      • AlarmRule: Specifies which other alarms are to be evaluated to determine this composite alarm's state. For each alarm that you reference, they have to be either exist in CloudWatch or specified in Alarm Manager configuration profile in your account.


You can specify either AlarmDefinition or CompositeAlarmDefinition in your Alarm Manager configuration document, But they both can’t be used at the same time.

In the following example, the system creates an alarm when two specified metric alarms exceeds its threshold:

{ "AWS::EC2::Instance": { "LinuxResourceAlarm": { "Enabled": true, "Tag": { "Key": "ams:rt:mylinuxinstance", "Value": "true" }, "CompositeAlarmDefinition": { "AlarmName": "${EC2::InstanceId} Resource Usage High", "AlarmDescription": "Alarm when a linux EC2 instance is using too much CPU and too much Disk", "AlarmRule": "ALARM(\"${EC2::InstanceId}: Disk Usage Too High - ${EC2::Disk::UUID}\") AND ALARM(\"${EC2::InstanceId}: CPU Too High\")" } } } }

When Alarm Manager is not able to create or delete an alarm due to broke configuration, it sends the notification to the Direct-Customer-Alerts SNS topic. This alarm is called AlarmDependencyError.

We highly recommend that you have confirmed your subscription to this SNS topic. To receive messages published to a topic, you must subscribe an endpoint to the topic. For details, see Step 1: Create a topic.


When Anomaly Detection alarms are created, Alarm Manager automatically creates the required Anomaly Detection Models for the specified metrics. When Anomaly Detection alarms are deleted, Alarm Manager doesn't delete the associated Anomaly Detection Models. Note that Amazon CloudWatch limits the number of Anomaly Detection Models that you can have in a given AWS Region. If you exceed the model quota, then Alarm Manager doesn't create new Anomaly Detection Alarms. You must either delete unused models, or work with your AMS partner to request a limit increase.


Many of the AMS Accelerate-provided baseline alarm definitions list the SNS topic, MMS-Topic, as a target. This is for use in the AMS Accelerate monitoring service, and is the transport mechanism for your alarm notifications to get to AMS Accelerate. Do not specify MMS-Topic as the target for any alarms other than those provided in the baseline (and overrides of the same), as the service ignores unknown alarms. It does not result in AMS Accelerate acting on your custom alarms.