Combining multiple applications in one container - AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator

Combining multiple applications in one container

If you are combining multiple applications from your source server to one container, there are additional requirements for the workflow. You can specify this option when you are configuring your workflow for the template Combine applications in one container in Completing the required steps.


If you are replatforming a single application to one container, the following process is not required.

Python script

You can use the following content to create a Python script on your application server. The script helps you create the required configuration file to containerize multiple application to one container.

  • This script only supports applications running on Linux.

  • This script only supports Regions that are enabled by default.

import boto3 import json import tarfile import os import subprocess import shutil from pathlib import Path from argparse import ArgumentParser from urllib.parse import urlparse ANALYSIS_INFO_JSON = "analysis.json" CONTAINER_FILES_TAR = "ContainerFiles.tar" COMBINED_APPLICATION = "CombinedApplication" TAR_BINARY_PATH = "/usr/bin/tar" def get_bucket(s3path): o = urlparse(s3path, allow_fragments=False) return o.netloc def get_key(s3path): o = urlparse(s3path, allow_fragments=False) key = o.path if key.startswith('/'): key = key[1:] if not key.endswith('/'): key += '/' return key def format_path(path): if not path.endswith('/'): path += '/' return path def upload_to_s3(s3_output_path, workflow_id, analysis_file, container_file): s3 = boto3.client('s3') bucket = get_bucket(s3_output_path) key = get_key(s3_output_path) analysis_object = key + workflow_id + "/" + COMBINED_APPLICATION + "/" + ANALYSIS_INFO_JSON container_object = key + workflow_id + "/" + COMBINED_APPLICATION + "/" + CONTAINER_FILES_TAR s3.upload_file(analysis_file, bucket, analysis_object) s3.upload_file(container_file, bucket, container_object) def download_from_s3(region, s3_paths_list, workspace_s3_download_path): s3 = boto3.client('s3') dir_number=1 workspace_s3_download_path = format_path(workspace_s3_download_path) for s3_path in s3_paths_list: download_path = workspace_s3_download_path + 'd' + str(dir_number) dir_number += 1 Path(download_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) bucket = get_bucket(s3_path) key = get_key(s3_path) analysis_key = key + ANALYSIS_INFO_JSON container_files_key = key + CONTAINER_FILES_TAR download_analysis_path = download_path + '/' + ANALYSIS_INFO_JSON download_container_files_path = download_path + '/' + CONTAINER_FILES_TAR s3.download_file(bucket, analysis_key, download_analysis_path) s3.download_file(bucket, container_files_key, download_container_files_path) def get_analysis_data(analysis_json): data = "" with open(analysis_json) as json_data: data = json.load(json_data) json_data.close() return data def combine_container_files(workspace_path, count, output_path): if not workspace_path.endswith('/'): workspace_path += '/' for dir_number in range(1, count+1): container_files_path = workspace_path + 'd' + str(dir_number) container_file_tar = container_files_path + '/' + CONTAINER_FILES_TAR extract_tar(container_file_tar, output_path) def tar_container_files(workspace_path, tar_dir): os.chdir(workspace_path)[TAR_BINARY_PATH, 'czf', "ContainerFiles.tar", "-C", tar_dir, "."]) def combine_analysis(workspace_path, count, analysis_output_path, script_output_path): if not workspace_path.endswith('/'): workspace_path += '/' #First analysis file is used as a template download_path = workspace_path + 'd' + str(1) analysis_json = download_path + '/' + ANALYSIS_INFO_JSON first_data = get_analysis_data(analysis_json) cmd_list = [] ports_list = [] for dir_number in range(1, count+1): download_path = workspace_path + 'd' + str(dir_number) analysis_json = download_path + '/' + ANALYSIS_INFO_JSON data = get_analysis_data(analysis_json) cmd = data['analysisInfo']['cmdline'] cmd = " ".join(cmd) cmd_list.append(cmd) ports = data['analysisInfo']['ports'] ports_list += ports start_script_path = create_startup_script(cmd_list, script_output_path) os.chmod(start_script_path, 0o754) start_script_filename = '/' + Path(start_script_path).name cmd_line_list = [start_script_filename] first_data['analysisInfo']['cmdline'] = cmd_line_list first_data['analysisInfo']['ports'] = ports_list analysis_output_path = format_path(analysis_output_path) analysis_output_file = analysis_output_path + '/' + ANALYSIS_INFO_JSON write_analysis_json_data(first_data, analysis_output_file) def write_analysis_json_data(data, output_path): with open(output_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f) def create_startup_script(cmd_list, output_path): start_script_path = output_path + '/'; with open (start_script_path, 'w') as rsh: rsh.write('#! /bin/bash\n') for cmd in cmd_list: rsh.write('nohup ' + cmd + ' >> /dev/null 2>&1 &\n') rsh.close() return start_script_path def extract_tar(tarFilePath, extractTo): os.chdir(extractTo)[TAR_BINARY_PATH, 'xvf', tarFilePath]) def validate_args(args): MIN_COUNT = 2 MAX_COUNT = 5 s3_paths_count = len(args.s3_input_path) if (s3_paths_count < MIN_COUNT): print("ERROR: input_s3_path needs atleast " + str(MIN_COUNT) +" s3 paths") exit(0) if (s3_paths_count > MAX_COUNT): print("ERROR: Max input_s3_paths is " + str(MAX_COUNT)) exit(0) def cleanup_workspace(temp_workspace): yes = "YES" ack = input("Preparing workspace. Deleting dir and it's contents '" + temp_workspace + "'. Please confirm with 'yes' to procced.\n") if (ack.casefold() == yes.casefold()): if (os.path.exists(temp_workspace) and os.path.isdir(temp_workspace)): shutil.rmtree(temp_workspace) else: print("Please confirm with 'yes' to continue. Exiting.") exit(0) def main(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--region', help='Region selected during A2C workflow creation', required=True) parser.add_argument('--workflow_id', help='Migration Hub Orchestrator workflowId', required=True) parser.add_argument('--s3_output_path', help='S3 output path given while creating the workflow', required=True) parser.add_argument('--s3_input_path', nargs='+', help='S3 paths which has application artifacts to combine', required=True) parser.add_argument('--temp_workspace', nargs='?', default='/tmp', type=str, help='Temp path for file downloads') args = parser.parse_args() validate_args(args) #prepare workspace temp_workspace = format_path(args.temp_workspace) temp_workspace += 'mho_workspace' #cleanup tmp workspace cleanup_workspace(temp_workspace) #create workspace directories Path(temp_workspace).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) apps_count = len(args.s3_input_path) temp_output_container_files = temp_workspace + '/outputs/containerfiles' os.makedirs(temp_output_container_files, exist_ok=True) temp_workspace_output = temp_workspace + "/outputs" #download files download_from_s3(args.region, args.s3_input_path, temp_workspace) #combine files combine_container_files(temp_workspace, apps_count, temp_output_container_files) combine_analysis(temp_workspace, apps_count, temp_workspace_output, temp_output_container_files) tar_container_files(temp_workspace_output, temp_output_container_files) #prepare upload analysis_json_file_to_upload = temp_workspace_output + "/" + ANALYSIS_INFO_JSON container_files_to_upload = temp_workspace_output + "/" + CONTAINER_FILES_TAR upload_to_s3(args.s3_output_path, args.workflow_id, analysis_json_file_to_upload, container_files_to_upload) if __name__=="__main__": main()
To run the Python script
  1. Install Python 3.8 or later on your application server. For information on how to get the latest version of Python, see the official Python documentation.

  2. Install AWS SDK for Python (Boto3). For more information, see AWS SDK for Python (Boto3).

  3. Configure Boto3 credentials. For more information, see Credentials.

  4. Run the script while specifying values for the following parameters:

    1. region – The Region where your Amazon S3 bucket is located.

    2. workflow_id – The workflow ID.

    3. s3_input_path – The S3 path that has the S3 artifacts uploaded that need to be combined.

    4. s3_output_path – The output path given when creating the workflow.

    5. temp_workspace – The workspace directory to use. The default is /tmp/.

The following example demonstrates running the script with the required parameters:

python3 --region us-west-2 \ --workflow_id mw-abc123 \ --s3_output_path s3://bucket-name/application-transformation/mw-abc123/CombinedApplications \ --s3_input_path s3://bucket-name/application-transformation/appname1/ s3://bucket-name/application-transformation/appname2/

Once the script has completed, the application artifacts will be uploaded to Amazon S3 with a path similar to the following:
