Stateful domain list rule groups in AWS Network Firewall - AWS Network Firewall

Stateful domain list rule groups in AWS Network Firewall

AWS Network Firewall supports domain name stateful network traffic inspection. You can create allow lists and deny lists with domain names that the stateful rules engine looks for in network traffic.

All rule groups have the common settings that are defined at Common rule group settings in AWS Network Firewall.

General settings

A domain list rule group has the following general settings.

Match settings

A domain list rule group has the following match settings. These specify what the Network Firewall stateful rules engine looks for in a packet. A packet must satisfy all match settings to be a match.

  • Domain list – List of strings specifying the domain names that you want to match. A packet must match one of the domain specifications in the list to be a match for the rule group. Valid domain name specifications are the following:

    • Explicit names. For example, matches only the domain

    • Names that use a domain wildcard, which you indicate with an initial '.'. For example, matches and matches all subdomains of, such as and

  • Protocols – You can inspect HTTP or HTTPS protocols, or both.

For HTTPS traffic, Network Firewall uses the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension in the TLS handshake to determine the hostname, or domain name, that the client is trying to connect to. For HTTP traffic, Network Firewall uses the HTTP host header to get the name. In both cases, Network Firewall doesn't pause connections to do out-of-band DNS lookups. It uses the SNI or host header, not the IP addresses, when evaluating domain list rule groups. If you want to inspect IP addresses, to mitigate situations where the SNI or host headers have been manipulated, write separate rules for that and use them in conjunction with or in place of your domain list rules.

For examples of domain list specifications and the Suricata compatible rules that Network Firewall generates from them, see Stateful rules examples: domain list rules.

Domain list inspection for traffic from outside the deployment VPC

To use domain name filtering for traffic from outside the VPC where you've deployed Network Firewall, you must manually set the HOME_NET variable for the rule group. The most common use case for this is a central firewall VPC with traffic coming from other VPCs through a transit gateway.

By default, domain list inspection uses a HOME_NET that is set to the CIDR range of the VPC where Network Firewall is deployed. Only traffic from that range is passed through the domain list filtering. To filter traffic from outside the deployment VPC, you must provide a HOME_NET setting that includes the other CIDR ranges that you want to inspect, along with the CIDR range of the VPC where Network Firewall is deployed.

For example, say that the VPC where you deploy Network Firewall has the CIDR range In addition to the traffic for that VPC, you want to filter traffic for two other VPCs that have CIDR ranges and You're using a domain list rule group named domains.

The following command line call retrieves the JSON listing for the rule group:

aws network-firewall describe-rule-group --type STATEFUL \ --rule-group-name domains --region us-west-2

The following shows the example JSON response. This rule group has only RulesSource defined, which contains the domain list inspection specifications.

{ "UpdateToken": "a4648a25-e315-4d17-8553-283c2eb33118", "RuleGroup": { "RulesSource": { "RulesSourceList": { "Targets": [ "", "" ], "TargetTypes": [ "HTTP_HOST", "TLS_SNI" ], "GeneratedRulesType": "DENYLIST" } } }, "RuleGroupResponse": { "RuleGroupArn": "arn:aws:network-firewall:us-west-2:111122223333:stateful-rulegroup/domains", "RuleGroupName": "domains", "RuleGroupId": "f3333333-fb99-11c1-bbe3-1d1caf1d1111", "Type": "STATEFUL", "Capacity": 100, "RuleGroupStatus": "ACTIVE", "Tags": [] } }

Variable settings are defined for a rule group in a RuleVariables setting. This rule group currently has no HOME_NET variable declaration, so we know that HOME_NET is set to the default. In our example case, it's

To add CIDR ranges to the HOME_NET setting, we update the rule group with our variable declaration. The following shows a file named variables.json that contains the rule group JSON with the added variables settings:

{ "RuleVariables": { "IPSets": { "HOME_NET": { "Definition": [ "", "", "" ] } } }, "RulesSource": { "RulesSourceList": { "Targets": [ "", "" ], "TargetTypes": [ "HTTP_HOST", "TLS_SNI" ], "GeneratedRulesType": "DENYLIST" } } }

The following command uses the variables.json file to update the rule group definition with the correct HOME_NET settings:

aws network-firewall update-rule-group \ --rule-group-arn arn:aws:network-firewall:us-west-2:111122223333:stateful-rulegroup/domains \ --update-token a4648a25-e315-4d17-8553-283c2eb33118 \ --rule-group file://variables.json \ --region us-west-2

The following shows an example response to the call:

{ "UpdateToken": "32ebfb82-40a2-4896-b34d-91dada978f67", "RuleGroupResponse": { "RuleGroupArn": "arn:aws:network-firewall:us-west-2:111122223333:stateful-rulegroup/domains", "RuleGroupName": "domains", "RuleGroupId": "f3333333-fb99-11c1-bbe3-1d1caf1d1111", "Type": "STATEFUL", "Capacity": 100, "RuleGroupStatus": "ACTIVE", "Tags": [] } }

If we retrieve the domains rule group again, we see that the rule group has the added variable definition:

aws network-firewall describe-rule-group --type STATEFUL \ --rule-group-name domains --region us-west-2

The response JSON contains the added variable:

{ "UpdateToken": "42ffac91-20b5-5512-a24c-85cbca797e23", "RuleGroup": { "RuleVariables": { "IPSets": { "HOME_NET": { "Definition": [ "", "", "" ] } } }, "RulesSource": { "RulesSourceList": { "Targets": [ "", "" ], "TargetTypes": [ "HTTP_HOST", "TLS_SNI" ], "GeneratedRulesType": "DENYLIST" } } }, "RuleGroupResponse": { "RuleGroupArn": "arn:aws:network-firewall:us-west-2:111122223333:stateful-rulegroup/domains", "RuleGroupName": "domains", "RuleGroupId": "f3333333-fb99-11c1-bbe3-1d1caf1d1111", "Type": "STATEFUL", "Capacity": 100, "RuleGroupStatus": "ACTIVE", "Tags": [] } }