Manage CloudWatch subscriptions using the AWS CLI - AWS Network Manager

Manage CloudWatch subscriptions using the AWS CLI

Use the AWS CLI or APIs to get Infrastructure Performance metrics in AWS Network Manager and to enable or disable Amazon CloudWatch subscriptions.


This provides details about any Infrastructure Performance metric subscriptions for Amazon CloudWatch. For more information, see DescribeAwsNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscriptions.

In this example, a filter is used where:

  • The filter Name is Source.

  • The Value of the filter Name is us-east-1.

In this example, CloudWatch subscriptions are being described for the Region us-east-1.

aws ec2 --region us-east-1 describe-aws-network-performance-metric-subscriptions --filters Name=Source,Values=us-east-1

The results describe the us-east-1 subscriptions, including the following:

  • Source is the originating location of the subscription. In this example, the Source is the Region us-east-1.

  • Destination is the target location of the subscription. In this example, the Destination is the Region us-east-2.

  • Metric indicates what type of metric is being requested. In this example, aggregate-latency, indicates that the performance metrics are aggregated and returned for latency.

  • Statistic is the median value of the metric. In this example, p50 is the statistic of all the data points gathered within those five minutes.


    p50 is the only supported statistic.

  • Period indicates the interval at which performance the metric is returned. In this example, aggregated-latency metrics are returned for every five-minutes.

{ "Subscriptions": [ { "Source": "us-east-1", "Destination": "us-east-2", "Metric": "aggregate-latency", "Statistic": "p50", "Period": "five-minutes" } ] }


This disables Amazon CloudWatch subscriptions for Infrastructure Performance. For more information, see DisableAwsNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscription.

The following example disables subscriptions between a source Region, us-east-1, and a destination Region, us-east-2. In addition to the source and destination parameters, the request uses the following parameters:

  • metric indicates what type of metric is being requested. In this example, aggregate-latency, indicates that the performance metrics are aggregated and returned for latency.

  • statistic is the median value of the metric. In this example, p50 is the statistic of all the data points gathered within those five minutes.


    p50 is the only supported statistic.

aws ec2 --region us-east-1 disable-aws-network-performance-metric-subscription --source us-east-1 --destination us-east-2 --metric aggregate-latency --statistic p50

The results return the following Boolean, true, indicating that the Amazon CloudWatch subscription between the two Regions was disabled. CloudWatch will no longer receive these metrics.

{ "Output": true }


This enables Amazon CloudWatch subscriptions for Infrastructure Performance. For more information, see EnableAwsNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscription.

In the following example, subscriptions are enabled between a source Region, us-east-1, and a destination Region, us-east-2. In addition to the source and destination parameters, the request also uses the following parameters:

  • metric indicates what type of metric is being requested. In this example, aggregate-latency, indicates that the performance metrics are aggregated and returned for latency.

  • statistic is the median value of the metric. In this example, p50 is the statistic of all the data points gathered within those five minutes.


    p50 is the only supported statistic.

aws ec2 --region us-east-1 enable-aws-network-performance-metric-subscription --source us-east-1 --destination us-east-2 --metric aggregate-latency --statistic p50

The results return the following Boolean, true, indicating that an Amazon CloudWatch subscription as been enabled between the two Regions. CloudWatch will begin receiving metrics.

{ "Output": true }