Utilizzo degli AWS SDK per interagire con Amazon Serverless OpenSearch - OpenSearch Servizio Amazon

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Utilizzo degli AWS SDK per interagire con Amazon Serverless OpenSearch

Questa sezione include esempi di come utilizzare gli AWS SDK per interagire con Amazon OpenSearch Serverless. Questi esempi di codice mostrano come creare raccolte e policy di sicurezza, e come eseguire query sulle raccolte.


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Il seguente script di esempio utilizza il client AWS SDK for Python (Boto3), così come opensearch-py per Python per creare policy di crittografia, rete e accesso ai dati, creare una raccolta corrispondente e indicizzare alcuni dati di esempio.

Per installare le dipendenze richieste, eseguire i seguenti comandi:

pip install opensearch-py pip install boto3 pip install botocore pip install requests-aws4auth

All'interno dello script, sostituire l'elemento Principal con il nome della risorsa Amazon (ARN) dell'utente o il ruolo che sta firmando la richiesta. Facoltativamente, è possibile anche modificare la region.

from opensearchpy import OpenSearch, RequestsHttpConnection from requests_aws4auth import AWS4Auth import boto3 import botocore import time # Build the client using the default credential configuration. # You can use the CLI and run 'aws configure' to set access key, secret # key, and default region. client = boto3.client('opensearchserverless') service = 'aoss' region = 'us-east-1' credentials = boto3.Session().get_credentials() awsauth = AWS4Auth(credentials.access_key, credentials.secret_key, region, service, session_token=credentials.token) def createEncryptionPolicy(client): """Creates an encryption policy that matches all collections beginning with tv-""" try: response = client.create_security_policy( description='Encryption policy for TV collections', name='tv-policy', policy=""" { \"Rules\":[ { \"ResourceType\":\"collection\", \"Resource\":[ \"collection\/tv-*\" ] } ], \"AWSOwnedKey\":true } """, type='encryption' ) print('\nEncryption policy created:') print(response) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: if error.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ConflictException': print( '[ConflictException] The policy name or rules conflict with an existing policy.') else: raise error def createNetworkPolicy(client): """Creates a network policy that matches all collections beginning with tv-""" try: response = client.create_security_policy( description='Network policy for TV collections', name='tv-policy', policy=""" [{ \"Description\":\"Public access for TV collection\", \"Rules\":[ { \"ResourceType\":\"dashboard\", \"Resource\":[\"collection\/tv-*\"] }, { \"ResourceType\":\"collection\", \"Resource\":[\"collection\/tv-*\"] } ], \"AllowFromPublic\":true }] """, type='network' ) print('\nNetwork policy created:') print(response) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: if error.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ConflictException': print( '[ConflictException] A network policy with this name already exists.') else: raise error def createAccessPolicy(client): """Creates a data access policy that matches all collections beginning with tv-""" try: response = client.create_access_policy( description='Data access policy for TV collections', name='tv-policy', policy=""" [{ \"Rules\":[ { \"Resource\":[ \"index\/tv-*\/*\" ], \"Permission\":[ \"aoss:CreateIndex\", \"aoss:DeleteIndex\", \"aoss:UpdateIndex\", \"aoss:DescribeIndex\", \"aoss:ReadDocument\", \"aoss:WriteDocument\" ], \"ResourceType\": \"index\" }, { \"Resource\":[ \"collection\/tv-*\" ], \"Permission\":[ \"aoss:CreateCollectionItems\" ], \"ResourceType\": \"collection\" } ], \"Principal\":[ \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role\/Admin\" ] }] """, type='data' ) print('\nAccess policy created:') print(response) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: if error.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ConflictException': print( '[ConflictException] An access policy with this name already exists.') else: raise error def createCollection(client): """Creates a collection""" try: response = client.create_collection( name='tv-sitcoms', type='SEARCH' ) return(response) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: if error.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ConflictException': print( '[ConflictException] A collection with this name already exists. Try another name.') else: raise error def waitForCollectionCreation(client): """Waits for the collection to become active""" response = client.batch_get_collection( names=['tv-sitcoms']) # Periodically check collection status while (response['collectionDetails'][0]['status']) == 'CREATING': print('Creating collection...') time.sleep(30) response = client.batch_get_collection( names=['tv-sitcoms']) print('\nCollection successfully created:') print(response["collectionDetails"]) # Extract the collection endpoint from the response host = (response['collectionDetails'][0]['collectionEndpoint']) final_host = host.replace("https://", "") indexData(final_host) def indexData(host): """Create an index and add some sample data""" # Build the OpenSearch client client = OpenSearch( hosts=[{'host': host, 'port': 443}], http_auth=awsauth, use_ssl=True, verify_certs=True, connection_class=RequestsHttpConnection, timeout=300 ) # It can take up to a minute for data access rules to be enforced time.sleep(45) # Create index response = client.indices.create('sitcoms-eighties') print('\nCreating index:') print(response) # Add a document to the index. response = client.index( index='sitcoms-eighties', body={ 'title': 'Seinfeld', 'creator': 'Larry David', 'year': 1989 }, id='1', ) print('\nDocument added:') print(response) def main(): createEncryptionPolicy(client) createNetworkPolicy(client) createAccessPolicy(client) createCollection(client) waitForCollectionCreation(client) if __name__ == "__main__": main()


Lo script di esempio seguente utilizza l'SDK per JavaScript in Node.js e il client opensearch-js per creare politiche di crittografiaJavaScript, rete e accesso ai dati, creare una raccolta corrispondente, creare un indice e indicizzare alcuni dati di esempio.

Per installare le dipendenze richieste, eseguire i seguenti comandi:

npm i aws-sdk npm i aws4 npm i @opensearch-project/opensearch

All'interno dello script, sostituire l'elemento Principal con il nome della risorsa Amazon (ARN) dell'utente o il ruolo che sta firmando la richiesta. Facoltativamente, è possibile anche modificare la region.

var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); var aws4 = require('aws4'); var { Client, Connection } = require("@opensearch-project/opensearch"); var { OpenSearchServerlessClient, CreateSecurityPolicyCommand, CreateAccessPolicyCommand, CreateCollectionCommand, BatchGetCollectionCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-opensearchserverless"); var client = new OpenSearchServerlessClient(); async function execute() { await createEncryptionPolicy(client) await createNetworkPolicy(client) await createAccessPolicy(client) await createCollection(client) await waitForCollectionCreation(client) } async function createEncryptionPolicy(client) { // Creates an encryption policy that matches all collections beginning with 'tv-' try { var command = new CreateSecurityPolicyCommand({ description: 'Encryption policy for TV collections', name: 'tv-policy', type: 'encryption', policy: " \ { \ \"Rules\":[ \ { \ \"ResourceType\":\"collection\", \ \"Resource\":[ \ \"collection\/tv-*\" \ ] \ } \ ], \ \"AWSOwnedKey\":true \ }" }); const response = await client.send(command); console.log("Encryption policy created:"); console.log(response['securityPolicyDetail']); } catch (error) { if (error.name === 'ConflictException') { console.log('[ConflictException] The policy name or rules conflict with an existing policy.'); } else console.error(error); }; } async function createNetworkPolicy(client) { // Creates a network policy that matches all collections beginning with 'tv-' try { var command = new CreateSecurityPolicyCommand({ description: 'Network policy for TV collections', name: 'tv-policy', type: 'network', policy: " \ [{ \ \"Description\":\"Public access for television collection\", \ \"Rules\":[ \ { \ \"ResourceType\":\"dashboard\", \ \"Resource\":[\"collection\/tv-*\"] \ }, \ { \ \"ResourceType\":\"collection\", \ \"Resource\":[\"collection\/tv-*\"] \ } \ ], \ \"AllowFromPublic\":true \ }]" }); const response = await client.send(command); console.log("Network policy created:"); console.log(response['securityPolicyDetail']); } catch (error) { if (error.name === 'ConflictException') { console.log('[ConflictException] A network policy with that name already exists.'); } else console.error(error); }; } async function createAccessPolicy(client) { // Creates a data access policy that matches all collections beginning with 'tv-' try { var command = new CreateAccessPolicyCommand({ description: 'Data access policy for TV collections', name: 'tv-policy', type: 'data', policy: " \ [{ \ \"Rules\":[ \ { \ \"Resource\":[ \ \"index\/tv-*\/*\" \ ], \ \"Permission\":[ \ \"aoss:CreateIndex\", \ \"aoss:DeleteIndex\", \ \"aoss:UpdateIndex\", \ \"aoss:DescribeIndex\", \ \"aoss:ReadDocument\", \ \"aoss:WriteDocument\" \ ], \ \"ResourceType\": \"index\" \ }, \ { \ \"Resource\":[ \ \"collection\/tv-*\" \ ], \ \"Permission\":[ \ \"aoss:CreateCollectionItems\" \ ], \ \"ResourceType\": \"collection\" \ } \ ], \ \"Principal\":[ \ \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role\/Admin\" \ ] \ }]" }); const response = await client.send(command); console.log("Access policy created:"); console.log(response['accessPolicyDetail']); } catch (error) { if (error.name === 'ConflictException') { console.log('[ConflictException] An access policy with that name already exists.'); } else console.error(error); }; } async function createCollection(client) { // Creates a collection to hold TV sitcoms indexes try { var command = new CreateCollectionCommand({ name: 'tv-sitcoms', type: 'SEARCH' }); const response = await client.send(command); return (response) } catch (error) { if (error.name === 'ConflictException') { console.log('[ConflictException] A collection with this name already exists. Try another name.'); } else console.error(error); }; } async function waitForCollectionCreation(client) { // Waits for the collection to become active try { var command = new BatchGetCollectionCommand({ names: ['tv-sitcoms'] }); var response = await client.send(command); while (response.collectionDetails[0]['status'] == 'CREATING') { console.log('Creating collection...') await sleep(30000) // Wait for 30 seconds, then check the status again function sleep(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); } var response = await client.send(command); } console.log('Collection successfully created:'); console.log(response['collectionDetails']); // Extract the collection endpoint from the response var host = (response.collectionDetails[0]['collectionEndpoint']) // Pass collection endpoint to index document request indexDocument(host) } catch (error) { console.error(error); }; } async function indexDocument(host) { var client = new Client({ node: host, Connection: class extends Connection { buildRequestObject(params) { var request = super.buildRequestObject(params) request.service = 'aoss'; request.region = 'us-east-1'; // e.g. us-east-1 var body = request.body; request.body = undefined; delete request.headers['content-length']; request.headers['x-amz-content-sha256'] = 'UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD'; request = aws4.sign(request, AWS.config.credentials); request.body = body; return request } } }); // Create an index try { var index_name = "sitcoms-eighties"; var response = await client.indices.create({ index: index_name }); console.log("Creating index:"); console.log(response.body); // Add a document to the index var document = "{ \"title\": \"Seinfeld\", \"creator\": \"Larry David\", \"year\": \"1989\" }\n"; var response = await client.index({ index: index_name, body: document }); console.log("Adding document:"); console.log(response.body); } catch (error) { console.error(error); }; } execute()