Amazon QuickSight resource ARNs - Amazon QuickSight

Amazon QuickSight resource ARNs

The following resource types are defined by Amazon QuickSight: user, group, and dashboard. These are used in Amazon QuickSight API calls and as elements of IAM permission statements. To find up-to-date information for Amazon QuickSight (service prefix: quicksight) resources, actions, and condition context keys for use in IAM permission policies, see Actions, Resources, and Condition Keys for Amazon QuickSight in the IAM User Guide.

Resource type ARN format Condition keys
user arn:${Partition}:quicksight:${Region}:${Account}:user/${ResourceId} N/A
group arn:${Partition}:quicksight:${Region}:${Account}:group/${ResourceId} N/A
dashboard arn:${Partition}:quicksight:${Region}:${Account}:dashboard/${ResourceId} N/A

Resource ARNs are constructed from the segments that describe your resource. For example, a resource ARN for an analysis consists of the following segments.


The segments are defined as follows:

  • partition – for example, aws or aws-cn.

  • aws-region – The AWS Region that contains the resource.

  • aws-account-id – The AWS account that contains the resource. This ID excludes the hyphens.

  • resource-type – The type of resource. For this example, this is analyses. For a dashboard, it's dashboard.

  • resource-id – The unique identifier for a specific resource.

The AWS Region, resource type, and resource ID are identified in the URL of the resource when you are using the Amazon QuickSight console. For example, let's say this is the URL of the analysis that you want an ARN for.

The AWS Region is us-east-2. The resource-type is analysis. The resource ID in this URL is 4036e682-7de6-4c05-8a76-be51b9ec9b29. If your account number is 111122223333, then the ARN for this analysis is as follows.


To get your AWS account number, contact your system administrator.