Request a phone number in AWS End User Messaging SMS - AWS End User Messaging SMS

Request a phone number in AWS End User Messaging SMS

Using the AWS End User Messaging SMS console, we’ll recommend one of the below origination identities depending on your use-case. Recommendations are based on your input criteria including if you require SMS, MMS, and/or voice capabilities, a two-way number, and estimate monthly messages.


Depending on the country, the following phone number types have to be requested in the Support Center Console.

You can use either the AWS End User Messaging SMS console or AWS CLI to request a new phone number.

Request a phone number (Console)

To request a new phone number for the United States through the AWS End User Messaging SMS console follow the directions in the Request a phone number for the United States (Console) tab.

To request a phone number using the AWS End User Messaging SMS console, follow these steps:

Request a phone number (Console)
  1. Open the AWS End User Messaging SMS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Configurations, choose Phone numbers and then Request originator.

  3. On the Select country page you must choose the Message destination country from the dropdown that messages will be sent to. Choose Next.

  4. On the Messaging use case section, enter the following:

    • Under Number capabilities, choose any combination of available capabilities:


      Capabilities for SMS, MMS, and Voice can't be changed after the phone number has been purchased.

    • Under Estimated monthly message volume – optional, choose the estimated number of SMS messages you will send each month.

    • For Company headquarters - optional, choose either of the following:

      • Local – Choose this if your company's headquarters is in the same country as your customers who will revive SMS messages. For example, you would choose this option if your headquarters is in the United States and your users who will receive messages are also in the United States.

      • International – Choose this if your company's headquarters is not in the same country as your customers who will revive SMS messages.

    • For Two-way messaging, choose Yes if you require two-way messaging.

  5. Choose Next.

  6. Under Select originator type, choose either the recommend phone number type or one of the available number types. The available options are based on the use case information you filled out in the previous steps.

  7. Use Resource policy to share your resources within your organization. To share the phone number at a later time, see Sharing a phone number, pool, opt-out list, or sender ID. For more information on Resource policy, see Working with shared resources in AWS End User Messaging SMS.

    1. Choose Pinpoint campaign orchestration(Amazon Pinpoint) to share the pool with Amazon Pinpoint

    2. Choose Simple notification Service (Amazon SNS) to share the pool with Amazon SNS

  8. Choose Next.

  9. On Review and request you can verify and edit your request before submitting it. Choose Request.

  10. A Registration Required window might appear depending on the type of phone number you requested. Your phone number or sender ID is associated with this registration and can't send messages until your registration has been approved. For more information about registrations requirements see Origination identity registration in AWS End User Messaging SMS.

    1. For Registration form name enter a friendly name.

    2. Choose Begin registration to finish registering the phone number or Register later.


      Your phone number or sender ID can't send messages until your registration has been approved.

      You are still billed the recurring monthly lease fee for the phone number regardless of registration status. For more information about registrations requirements see Origination identity registration in AWS End User Messaging SMS.

Request a phone number for the United States (Console)

Follow these directions to request a new phone number for the United States through the AWS End User Messaging SMS console.

Before requesting a 10DLC phone number you must have an approved 10DLC registered brand and 10DLC registered campaign to associate with the 10DLC phone number. For more information on registering a 10DLC registered brand and 10DLC registered campaign, see 10DLC brand registration form and 10DLC campaign registration form.

The Messaging capabilities (SMS, MMS, or VOICE) are specified in the 10DLC registered campaign and applied to your 10DLC phone number request.

Request a phone number for the United States (Console)
  1. Open the AWS End User Messaging SMS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Configurations, choose Phone numbers and then Request originator.

  3. On the Select country page you must choose the United States (US) from the Message destination country dropdown. Choose Next.

  4. On the Messaging use case section, enter the following:

    • Under Estimated monthly message volume – optional, choose the estimated number of SMS messages you will send each month.

    • For Company headquarters - optional, choose either of the following:

      • Local – Choose this if your company's headquarters is in the same country as your customers who will revive SMS messages. For example, you would choose this option if your headquarters is in the United States and your users who will receive messages are also in the United States.

      • International – Choose this if your company's headquarters is not in the same country as your customers who will revive SMS messages.

    • For Two-way messaging, choose Yes if you require two-way messaging.

  5. Choose Next.

  6. Under Originator type, choose either the recommend phone number type or one of the available number types. The available options are based on the use case information you filled out in the previous steps.

  7. Use Resource policy to share your resources within your organization. To share the phone number at a later time, see Sharing a phone number, pool, opt-out list, or sender ID. For more information on Resource policy, see Working with shared resources in AWS End User Messaging SMS.

    1. Choose Pinpoint campaign orchestration(Amazon Pinpoint) to share the pool with Amazon Pinpoint

    2. Choose Simple notification Service (Amazon SNS) to share the pool with Amazon SNS

  8. Choose Next.

  9. On Review and request you can verify and edit your request before submitting it. Choose Request.

  10. A Registration Required window might appear depending on the type of phone number you requested. Your phone number or sender ID is associated with this registration and can't send messages until your registration has been approved. For more information about registrations requirements see Origination identity registration in AWS End User Messaging SMS.

    1. For Registration form name enter a friendly name.

    2. Choose Begin registration to finish registering the phone number or Register later.


      Your phone number or sender ID can't send messages until your registration has been approved.

      You are still billed the recurring monthly lease fee for the phone number regardless of registration status. For more information about registrations requirements see Origination identity registration in AWS End User Messaging SMS.

Request a phone number (AWS CLI)

You can use the request-phone-number command to add new phone numbers to your account. Phone number availability and supported features vary by country.


You might need to register the phone number or sender ID after you complete the request. You are still billed the recurring monthly lease fee for the phone number regardless of registration status. For more information about registrations requirements see Origination identity registration in AWS End User Messaging SMS.

MMS capabilities are only available in some countries. For more information on supported countries for SMS and MMS, see Supported countries and regions for SMS messaging with AWS End User Messaging SMS and Supported countries and regions for MMS messaging in AWS End User Messaging SMS.

To request a phone number
  • At the command line, enter the following command:

    $ aws pinpoint-sms-voice-v2 request-phone-number \ > --iso-country-code XX \ > --message-type TRANSACTIONAL \ > --number-capabilities VOICE \ > --number-type LONG_CODE \ > --pool-id poolId \ > --deletion-protection-enabled \ > --opt-out-list-name optOutListName \ > --registration-id CO123EX

    In the preceding command, make the following changes:

    • Replace XX with the two-letter ISO-3166 alpha-2 code for the country of the phone number (such as CA for Canada).

    • If you want to use the phone number to send promotional or marketing-related content, replace TRANSACTIONAL with PROMOTIONAL. Otherwise, use TRANSACTIONAL.

    • If you want to request a phone number for sending SMS messages, replace VOICE with SMS. You can request a phone number with SMS, MMS, and voice message capabilities by specifying SMS MMS VOICE.

    • Replace LONG_CODE with the type of phone number you want to request. Acceptable values are LONG_CODE, TOLL_FREE, and TEN_DLC.

    • Replace poolId with the ID or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the pool that you want to add the phone number to. This parameter is optional. If you don't want to add the phone number to a pool, omit this parameter.

    • If you want to enable deletion protection for this phone number, add the --deletion-protection-enabled parameter. Deletion protection is disabled by default. If deletion protection is enabled, you can't delete the phone number using the ReleasePhoneNumber API, unless you update the configuration of the phone number to disable this feature.

    • Replace optOutListName with the name or ARN of the opt-out list that you want to associate with the phone number. This parameter is optional. If you don't want to associate the phone number with an opt-out list, omit this parameter.

    • If you're requesting a phone number to use with a 10DLC campaign, replace CO123EX with the ID of the 10DLC campaign that you want to use.


      If you plan to use a 10DLC phone number, you must first register your company and campaign. Currently, the only way to complete these registration processes is to use the AWS End User Messaging SMS console. For more information about 10DLC registration, see 10DLC registration.

If the number is successfully added to your account, you see output similar to the following:

{ "PhoneNumberArn": "arn:aws:sms-voice:us-east-1:111122223333:phone-number/phone-615790209ea34aea8da9b729fexample", "PhoneNumberId": "phone-615790209ea34aea8da9b729fexample", "PhoneNumber": "+12045550123", "Status": "PENDING", "IsoCountryCode": "CA", "MessageType": "TRANSACTIONAL", "NumberCapabilities": [ "SMS" ], "NumberType": "LONG_CODE", "MonthlyLeasingPrice": "1.00", "TwoWayEnabled": false, "SelfManagedOptOutsEnabled": false, "OptOutListName": "Default", "DeletionProtectionEnabled": false, "CreatedTimestamp": 1645568542.0 }

When you first purchase a phone number, the value of the Status attribute is PENDING. When the phone number is ready to use, the value of Status changes to ACTIVE.

If a phone number that meets the parameters you specified isn't available, the request fails with an error.