AWS CloudFormation templates - DevOps Monitoring Dashboard on AWS

AWS CloudFormation templates

This solution uses AWS CloudFormation to automate the deployment of the DevOps Monitoring Dashboard on AWS solution in the AWS Cloud. It includes the following CloudFormation templates, which you can download before deployment.

AWS DevOps Monitoring Dashboard template button aws-devops-monitoring-dashboard.template: Use this template to launch the solution. The default configuration deploys Amazon EventBridge events rules, AWS Lambda functions, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, Amazon Data Firehose, AWS Glue and Amazon Athena databases, and Amazon QuickSight resources (optional) and all associated resources. You can also customize the template to meet your specific needs. Launch this template in the monitoring account.

AWS DevOps Monitoring Dashboard sharing account template button sharing-account-stack.template: Use this template to provision Amazon EventBridge events rules and all associated resources required to collect data from sharing accounts. Launch this template in a sharing account, when you are using the multiple-account feature.

AWS DevOps Monitoring Dashboard pipeline alarm template button pipeline-alarm.template: Use this supplemental template to provision the CloudWatch alarm for CodePipeline and all associated resources to collect data required for calculating MTTR metrics for pipelines.

AWS DevOps Monitoring Dashboard canary alarm template button canary-alarm.template: Use this supplemental template to provision the CloudWatch alarm for Synthetics canary and all associated resources to collect data required for calculating MTTR metrics for canaries.