Cost - Network Orchestration for AWS Transit Gateway


You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this solution. As of this revision, the cost for running this solution with the default settings in the US East (N. Virginia) Region is approximately $85.22 a month. These costs are for the resources shown in the Sample cost table.

See the pricing webpage for each AWS service used in this solution.

We recommend creating a budget  through AWS Cost Explorer to help manage costs. Prices are subject to change. For full details, see the pricing webpage for each AWS service used in this solution.

Sample cost table

The following table provides a sample cost breakdown for deploying this solution with the default parameters in the US East (N. Virginia) Region for one month. This cost estimate assumes the following:

  • The solution manages two VPCs attached to one transit gateway, with each VPC containing two subnets in different Availability Zones.

  • The solution makes automated queries to DynamoDB from an actively running web UI every five minutes. This estimate does not include manual queries.

  • One GB of data a month travels between the two VPCs through the transit gateway.

  • The number of requests to the GraphQL API is 10,000 a month.

AWS service Dimensions Cost [USD]
Variable Costs
Transit Gateway Hourly charge (containing two VPC attachments) $72.00
Transit Gateway Data processing charge (data transfer of 1 GB from two attached VPCs) $0.60
Transit Gateway Data processing and outbound inter-Region transfer charge (data transfer of 1 GB between two inter-Region peered transit gateways) $0.40
Amazon DynamoDB Includes automated queries only $3.27
AWS AppSync Includes auto approval workflow only $1.23
Fixed Costs
Amazon EventBridge < $ 0.01
AWS WAF $ 7.61
AWS X-Ray 100,000 Traces recorded for 2 services (Step Functions and AppSync) with default 5% sampling rate < $ 0.10
Total: ~ $85.22 / month