Cost - Verifiable Controls Evidence Store


You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this solution. As of the latest revision, the cost for running this solution with the default, production-ready settings of Amazon OpenSearch Service node instances in the Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region is approximately $882.00 per month.

This includes storage for 10,000 10 KB evidences, 10,000 create evidence requests, and 20,000 query evidence requests. The cost varies depending on the solution settings, API invocation patterns, and data storage size.

AWS service Cost
Amazon OpenSearch Service ( instance type) $800.00
Amazon Kinesis $62.50
AWS Key Management Service $18.35
Amazon S3 $0.56
Amazon QLDB $0.54
Amazon Simple Queue Service $0.10
Amazon Cognito $0
Amazon CloudFront $0
Amazon API Gateway $0
AWS Lambda $0
Total: $882.05

We recommend creating a budget  through AWS Cost Explorer to help manage costs. Prices are subject to change. For full details, see the pricing webpage for each AWS service used in this solution.


Depending on your performance requirements, a smaller instance size might be suitable. Total cost for the solution using OpenSearch Service instance type is $312.05 and total cost for OpenSearch Service instance type is $482.05. For more information about sizing, refer to Sizing Amazon OpenSearch Service domains in the Amazon OpenSearch Service Developer Guide.