ValidateStateMachineDefinition - AWS Step Functions


Validates the syntax of a state machine definition specified in Amazon States Language (ASL), a JSON-based, structured language.

You can validate that a state machine definition is correct without creating a state machine resource.

Suggested uses for ValidateStateMachineDefinition:

  • Integrate automated checks into your code review or Continuous Integration (CI) process to check state machine definitions before starting deployments.

  • Run validation from a Git pre-commit hook to verify the definition before committing to your source repository.

Validation will look for problems in your state machine definition and return a result and a list of diagnostic elements.

The result value will be OK when your workflow definition can be successfully created or updated. Note the result can be OK even when diagnostic warnings are present in the response. The result value will be FAIL when the workflow definition contains errors that would prevent you from creating or updating your state machine.

The list of ValidateStateMachineDefinitionDiagnostic data elements can contain zero or more WARNING and/or ERROR elements.


The ValidateStateMachineDefinition API might add new diagnostics in the future, adjust diagnostic codes, or change the message wording. Your automated processes should only rely on the value of the result field value (OK, FAIL). Do not rely on the exact order, count, or wording of diagnostic messages.

Request Syntax

{ "definition": "string", "maxResults": number, "severity": "string", "type": "string" }

Request Parameters

For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.

The request accepts the following data in JSON format.


The Amazon States Language definition of the state machine. For more information, see Amazon States Language (ASL).

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 1048576.

Required: Yes


The maximum number of diagnostics that are returned per call. The default and maximum value is 100. Setting the value to 0 will also use the default of 100.

If the number of diagnostics returned in the response exceeds maxResults, the value of the truncated field in the response will be set to true.

Type: Integer

Valid Range: Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 100.

Required: No


Minimum level of diagnostics to return. ERROR returns only ERROR diagnostics, whereas WARNING returns both WARNING and ERROR diagnostics. The default is ERROR.

Type: String

Valid Values: ERROR | WARNING

Required: No


The target type of state machine for this definition. The default is STANDARD.

Type: String


Required: No

Response Syntax

{ "diagnostics": [ { "code": "string", "location": "string", "message": "string", "severity": "string" } ], "result": "string", "truncated": boolean }

Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.


An array of diagnostic errors and warnings found during validation of the state machine definition. Since warnings do not prevent deploying your workflow definition, the result value could be OK even when warning diagnostics are present in the response.

Type: Array of ValidateStateMachineDefinitionDiagnostic objects


The result value will be OK when no syntax errors are found, or FAIL if the workflow definition does not pass verification.

Type: String

Valid Values: OK | FAIL


The result value will be true if the number of diagnostics found in the workflow definition exceeds maxResults. When all diagnostics results are returned, the value will be false.

Type: Boolean


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


The input does not satisfy the constraints specified by an AWS service.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Validate an inline state machine definition

The following example shows how to invoke the API from the CLI:

aws stepfunctions validate-state-machine-definition \ --definition '{"StartAt":"WaitState","States":{"WaitState":{"Type":"Wait","Seconds":5,"End":true}}}' \ --type 'STANDARD'

Validate a state machine definition from a file

If your state machine definition is saved in a JSON file, you can use the file:// notation to pass the file contents to the API.

aws stepfunctions validate-state-machine-definition \ --definition file://my-state-machine-definition.asl.json

Parse the validation result

On POSIX compliant systems, you can use a command-line utility like grep to parse the output and generate a non-zero return code if the definition did not successfully pass the syntax check:

aws stepfunctions validate-state-machine-definition \ --definition file://my-state-machine-definition.asl.json | grep '"result": "OK"'

Validate a state machine definition with static analysis

By setting the severity level to WARNING, you can gain visibility into potential issues with your definition before deploying your state machine. In the following example, the four WARNING level diagnostics alert you to potential issues, but they will not prevent you from creating or updating your state machine. Any diagnostic results with ERROR level severity will prevent you from deploying the state machine.

Example results with static analysis warnings:

$ aws stepfunctions validate-state-machine-definition \ --definition file://my-workflow-definition.asl.json \ --severity WARNING
{ "result": "OK", "diagnostics": [ { "severity": "WARNING", "code": "NO_DOLLAR", "message": "The value of 'a' looks like a JSONPath. Instead of 'a', use 'a.$' to evaluate it as a JSONPath at runtime.", "location": "/States/HelloWorld/Parameters" }, { "severity": "WARNING", "code": "PASS_RESULT_IS_STATIC", "message": "The value of 'c.$' will not evaluate as a JSONPath or Intrinsic Function at runtime. Instead of 'Result', use 'Parameters' to evaluate it as a JSONPath or Intrinsic Function at runtime.", "location": "/States/HelloWorld/Result" }, { "severity": "WARNING", "code": "NO_PATH", "message": "The value of 'Error' looks like a JSONPath. Instead of 'Error', use 'ErrorPath' to evaluate it as a JSONPath at runtime.", "location": "/States/FailState/Error" }, { "severity": "WARNING", "code": "NO_PATH", "message": "The value of 'Cause' looks like a JSONPath. Instead of 'Cause', use 'CausePath' to evaluate it as a JSONPath at runtime.", "location": "/States/FailState/Cause" } ], "truncated": false }

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: