Autosphere iRPA platform overview - Autosphere iRPA on AWS for Telecom Enterprise Automation

Autosphere iRPA platform overview

Autosphere is an enterprise-grade iRPA platform used to design, deploy, and monitor RPA bots. It lets you create software-based robots to emulate human interaction with systems, to run tasks and processes with more accuracy and efficiency. These robots can capture data and manipulate applications just as humans do. Autosphere is non-intrusive in nature, which means it allows systems to integrate quickly without causing disruptions. You can use Autosphere to automate processes that are high volume, manual, and repetitive. Autosphere can initiate processes in the background and/or in parallel. Unlike other platforms, it provides support on multiple operating systems. The platform drives collaboration between developers, business analysts, and other stakeholders.

Diagram showing the high level functional architecture

High level functional architecture

Autosphere Process Studio provides an intuitive interface with a collaborative environment to design automation workflows. Process Studio uses 150+ pre-developed libraries to enable you to access fast and easy automation processes.

Modules within Process Studio work together to provide an ideal environment for users working to develop business processes. Source Code Management (SCM) Manager module within Process Studio is responsible for pushing and updating the Autosphere package on the deployed SCM component. Project Module is responsible for project and dependencies management. As the name suggests, the Orchestrator Connection Manager allows developers to publish their designed automations directly on Orchestrator.

Real Time Control (RTC) supports near real-time sync, which enables users to see all the changes in their workspace in near real-time. Autosphere Process Studio is a modular, extension-based environment. The extension manager is responsible for managing all the extensions, including Recorder, Scraper, Element Locator, and Keyword Explorer for the studio environment. Software Update Module (SUM) is responsible for updating the Autosphere Studio Environment for new releases and updates.

Automation control, monitoring, and tracking

Autosphere Orchestrator manages and controls automation initiation in the form of jobs through central orchestrator. It has the power to provision, deploy, cue, monitor, measure, track, and ensure the security of every bot in organization.

  • Orchestrator tracks and logs everything each robot and human does to ensure compliance and security. Orchestrator provides easy access to enterprise automation. Orchestrator has many modules working together to manage all the environments, including robots, users, processes, and permissions.

  • Environment Manager manages the creation, deletion and segregation of these different environments. All the components of the Orchestrator reside within the Environment Manager's jurisdiction. The four major components within this environment are Robot Manager, Process Manager, Machine Manager, and Integrations.

    • Robot Manager is responsible for managing robot creation, deletion, and allocating resource pool groups to robots.

    • Machine Manager enables the creation of usable assets for development at a local level.

    • Process Manager is responsible for managing process operations, managing APIs against every process, and automation package import.

    • Integration modules allow Autosphere to integrate with SCM, Telnetics Data Streams, and Active Directory for user access control (UAC).

    These four major components work with all the remaining components within the Environment Manager to carry out their tasks efficiently. The remaining components are:

    • The User Access Control (UAC) module controls the different access permissions defined under the role.

    • The Licensing module controls the assignment and validation of licenses generated by Autosphere. It also controls reporting and analytics at robot, process, job, and machine level.

    • The Backup and Restore module periodically creates backup snapshots of all the data generated by Autosphere at scheduled instance.

    • The Asset Manager manages encrypted secure information and creates usable asset for development process.

    • The Email/Notification manager module generates notifications and emails based on different alert within platform.

    • The role-based access control (RBAC) module lets you define different roles and permissions which could be assigned to certain user group.

    • The Parallel Working module invokes multiple bots at runtime to handle a process with a high number of transactions. It enables the bots to divide the workload and perform tasks in parallel mode.

    • The System Configuration module is used to configure global settings for orchestrator.

Need-based multi-purpose bots

Autosphere focuses on software-based robots that can learn, mimic, and then complete human interactions in rule-based business processes. Autosphere offers the following three distinctive bots:

  • SuperbotSuperbot Attended is ideal for use cases where humans work in collaboration with robots, whereas Superbot Unattended is best for use cases that require no human intervention.

  • Multitasking bot — Along with additional features, a multitasking bot is capable of doing everything that a superbot can do. It can also invoke multiple bots at runtime to handle a process with high transactions. It enables the bots to divide the workload and complete tasks in parallel mode.

  • Monitoring bot — Monitoring bots are used on interfaces which require constant monitoring and are dedicated on business-critical interfaces.

The process tray contains different modules to maintain efficiency of these different bots, including Superbot, Multitasking bot, and Monitoring bot. The Process Launcher allows running process from the robot machine (Attended). The Autosphere Implementation environment consists of the core Autosphere engine, automation packages, and dependencies. Configuration is required for connectivity of the bot with the Orchestrator instance. Machine-level reporting is important for the performance monitoring of jobs run on the specific machine.

Integrate data streams, configure metrics, and visualize ROI

Autosphere bring focus on automation visibility with the help of its extension, Telnetics. This feature helps telecom businesses visualize return on investment (ROI) and indirect benefits resultant of automation Telnetics provides data streams for pre-automation, post-automation, and third-party integration metrics.

  • Dashboard Management enables the creation and management of multiple dashboards based on environments, robots, and processes.

  • The Data Integration module allows for the integration of data streams from third-party tools, Orchestrator, and Process Studio.

  • Query Builder allows building queries for metrics on dashboards.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

Autosphere uses AutoIDP to transform unstructured and semi-structured data into usable data from documents. AutoIDP is the next generation of automation, able to capture, extract, and process data from various document formats. It is used to classify, categorize, and extract data from different template documents. It can quickly train services for new document templates.

Human-in-the-Loop can ensure that a human supervises a semi-autonomous bot easily. This can be done with the help of a conversational AI, or by training an ML model. Conversational AI can understand the intent of the business user by communicating with them naturally over any channel. Important information is extracted from the text to cue a process, or add value to the process through review and approval.

Integration of Autosphere Platform with AWS services

Autosphere Platform, whether deployed in the cloud or on-premises, can integrate with any analytics platform and AI/ML services. Components such as Telnetics and AutoIDP can be replaced with similar cloud services provided by AWS. Autosphere can integrate with Amazon QuickSight for dashboard management, natural language querying (NLQ), and super-fast, parallel, in-memory, calculation engine (SPICE). Autosphere can also use AWS AI services to add intelligence to its portfolio. Some these services include Amazon Textract, Amazon Lex, Amazon Transcribe, and Amazon Translate.

Diagram showing high-level functional architecture with AWS services

High-level functional architecture with AWS services