Create a WorkSpaces Pool - Amazon WorkSpaces

Create a WorkSpaces Pool

Set up and create a pool from which user applications are launched and streamed.


You should create a directory before you create a WorkSpaces Pool. For more information, see Configure SAML 2.0 and create a WorkSpaces Pools directory.

To set up and create a pool
  1. Open the WorkSpaces console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose WorkSpaces, Pool.

  3. Choose Create WorkSpaces Pools.

  4. Under Onboarding (optional), you can choose Recommend options to me based on my use case to get recommendations on the type of WorkSpace you want to use. You can skip this step if you know that you want to use WorkSpaces Pools.

  5. Under Configure WorkSpaces, enter the following details:

    • For Name, enter a unique name identifier for the pool. Special characters aren't allowed.

    • For Description, enter a description for the pool (maximum of 256 characters).

    • For Bundle, choose from the following the bundle type that you want to use for your WorkSpaces.

      • Use a base WorkSpaces bundle - Choose one of the bundles from the drop down. For more information about the bundle type you selected, choose Bundle details. To compare bundles offered for pools, choose Compare all bundles.

      • Use your own custom bundle - Choose a bundle that you previously created. To create a custom bundle, see Create a custom WorkSpaces image and bundle for WorkSpaces Personal.

    • For Maximum session duration in minutes, choose the maximum amount of time that a streaming session can remain active. If users are still connected to a streaming instance five minutes before this limit is reached, they are prompted to save any open documents before being disconnected. After this time elapses, the instance is terminated and replaced by a new instance. The maximum session duration that you can set in the WorkSpaces Pools console is 5760 minutes (96 hours). The maximum session duration that you can set using the WorkSpaces Pools API and CLI is 432000 seconds (120 hours).

    • For Disconnect timeout in minutes, choose the amount of time that a streaming session remains active after users disconnect. If users try to reconnect to the streaming session after a disconnection or network interruption within this time interval, they are connected to their previous session. Otherwise, they are connected to a new session with a new streaming instance.

    • If a user ends the session by choosing End Session or Logout on the pools toolbar, the disconnect timeout doesn’t apply. Instead, the user is prompted to save any open documents, and then immediately disconnected from the streaming instance. The instance the user was using is then terminated.

    • For Idle disconnect timeout in minutes, choose the amount of time that users can be idle (inactive) before they are disconnected from their streaming session and the Disconnect timeout in minutes time interval begins. Users are notified before they are disconnected due to inactivity. If they try to reconnect to the streaming session before the time interval specified in Disconnect timeout in minutes has elapsed, they are connected to their previous session. Otherwise, they are connected to a new session with a new streaming instance. Setting this value to 0 disables it. When this value is disabled, users are not disconnected due to inactivity.


      Users are considered idle when they stop providing keyboard or mouse input during their streaming session. For domain-joined pools, the countdown for the idle disconnect timeout doesn't begin until users log in with their Active Directory domain password or with a smart card. File uploads and downloads, audio in, audio out, and pixels changing do not qualify as user activity. If users continue to be idle after the time interval in Idle disconnect timeout in minutes elapses, they are disconnected.

    • For Scheduled capacity policies (optional), choose Add new schedule capacity. Indicate the start and end date and time for when to provision the minimum and maximum number of instances for your pool based on the minimum number of expected concurrent users.

    • For Manual scaling policies (optional), specify the scaling policies for pools to use to increase and decrease the capacity of your pool. Expand Manual scaling policies to add new scaling policies.


      The size of your pool is limited by the minimum and maximum capacity that you specified.

      • Choose Add new scale out policies and enter the values for adding specified instances if the specified capacity utilization is less or more than the specified threshold value.

      • Choose Add new scale in policies and enter the values for removing specified instances if the specified capacity utilization is less or more than the specified threshold value.

    • For Tags, specify the key pair value that you want to use. A key can be a general category, such as "project," "owner," or "environment," with specific associated values.

  6. On the Select directory page, choose the directory that you created. To create a directory, choose Create directory. For more information, see Manage directories for WorkSpaces Pools.

  7. Choose Create WorkSpace Pool.