Auto-Record to Amazon S3 - Amazon Interactive Video Service

Auto-Record to Amazon S3

You have the option of enabling recording for a channel. If the auto-record to S3 feature is enabled, all streams on the channel are recorded and saved to an Amazon S3 storage bucket that you own. Subsequently, the recording is available for on-demand playback.

Setting this up is an advanced option. By default, recording is disabled when a channel is created.

Before you can set up a channel for recording, you must create a recording-configuration. This is a resource which specifies an Amazon S3 location where the recorded streams for the channel are stored. You can create and manage recording configurations using the console or CLI; both procedures are given below. After you create the recording configuration, you associate it with a channel either when you create the channel (as described below) or later, by updating an existing channel. (In the API, see CreateChannel and UpdateChannel.) You can associate multiple channels with the same recording configuration. You can delete a recording configuration that is no longer associated with any channels.

Keep in mind the following constraints:

  • You must own the S3 bucket. That is, the account that sets up a channel to be recorded must own the S3 bucket where recordings will be stored.

  • The channel, recording configuration, and S3 location must be in the same AWS region. If you create channels in other regions and want to record them, you must also set up recording configurations and S3 buckets in those regions.

Recording to your S3 bucket requires authorization with your AWS credentials. To give IVS the required access, an AWS IAM Service-Linked Role (SLR) is created automatically when the recording configuration is created: the SLR is limited to give IVS write permission only on the specific bucket.

To disable recording after you have enabled it, see How to Disable Recording.

Note that network issues between the streaming location and AWS or within AWS could result in some data loss while recording your stream. In these cases, Amazon IVS prioritizes the live stream over the recording. For redundancy, record locally via your streaming tool.

For more information (including how to set up post-processing or VOD playback on your recorded files), see Auto-Record to Amazon S3 (Low-Latency Streaming).