Working With Content Security Policy - Amazon IVS

Working With Content Security Policy

The Amazon IVS Web player SDK is configured to work on pages that use Content Security Policy (CSP). A few key CSP directives must be in place. Here, we describe a minimal set of directives that are necessary. Additional directives and sources are likely necessary, depending on your specific setup.

The following directives are the minimum required for CSP:

worker-src blob:; media-src blob:; connect-src *; script-src 'wasm-unsafe-eval';

Note: Older versions of browsers may not recognize one or more of those above CSP rules (such as wasm-unsafe-eval) and instead could require a very lenient CSP policy (unsafe-eval). However, that works against the whole point of CSP to limit dangerous JavaScript from running on a page. Instead, as a workaround, we recommend that you host the library assets on the same origin as your page.