AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain ColdStorageOptions - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain ColdStorageOptions

Specifies options for cold storage. For more information, see Cold storage for Amazon Elasticsearch Service.


The AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain resource is being replaced by the AWS::OpenSearchService::Domain resource. While the legacy Elasticsearch resource and options are still supported, we recommend modifying your existing Cloudformation templates to use the new OpenSearch Service resource, which supports both OpenSearch and Elasticsearch. For more information about the service rename, see New resource types in the Amazon OpenSearch Service Developer Guide.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Enabled" : Boolean }


Enabled: Boolean



Whether to enable or disable cold storage on the domain. You must enable UltraWarm storage in order to enable cold storage.

Required: No

Type: Boolean

Update requires: No interruption