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AWS::ECR::PublicRepository - AWS CloudFormation
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The AWS::ECR::PublicRepository resource specifies an Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public (Amazon ECR Public) repository, where users can push and pull Docker images, Open Container Initiative (OCI) images, and OCI compatible artifacts. For more information, see Amazon ECR public repositories in the Amazon ECR Public User Guide.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Type" : "AWS::ECR::PublicRepository", "Properties" : { "RepositoryCatalogData" : RepositoryCatalogData, "RepositoryName" : String, "RepositoryPolicyText" : Json, "Tags" : [ Tag, ... ] } }


Type: AWS::ECR::PublicRepository Properties: RepositoryCatalogData: RepositoryCatalogData RepositoryName: String RepositoryPolicyText: Json Tags: - Tag



The details about the repository that are publicly visible in the Amazon ECR Public Gallery. For more information, see Amazon ECR Public repository catalog data in the Amazon ECR Public User Guide.

Required: No

Type: RepositoryCatalogData

Update requires: No interruption


The name to use for the public repository. The repository name may be specified on its own (such as nginx-web-app) or it can be prepended with a namespace to group the repository into a category (such as project-a/nginx-web-app). If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the repository name. For more information, see Name Type.


If you specify a name, you cannot perform updates that require replacement of this resource. You can perform updates that require no or some interruption. If you must replace the resource, specify a new name.

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: ^(?=.{2,256}$)((?:[a-z0-9]+(?:[._-][a-z0-9]+)*/)*[a-z0-9]+(?:[._-][a-z0-9]+)*)$

Minimum: 2

Maximum: 256

Update requires: Replacement


The JSON repository policy text to apply to the public repository. For more information, see Amazon ECR Public repository policies in the Amazon ECR Public User Guide.

Required: No

Type: Json

Update requires: No interruption


An array of key-value pairs to apply to this resource.

Required: No

Type: Array of Tag

Maximum: 50

Update requires: No interruption

Return values


When you pass the logical ID of this resource to the intrinsic Ref function, Ref returns the resource name, such as test-repository.

For more information about using the Ref function, see Ref.


The Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function returns a value for a specified attribute of this type. The following are the available attributes and sample return values.

For more information about using the Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function, see Fn::GetAtt.


Returns the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the specified AWS::ECR::PublicRepository resource. For example, arn:aws:ecr-public::123456789012:repository/test-repository .


Specify a public repository

The following example specifies a public repository named test-repository. The repository catalog data appears publicly on the Amazon ECR Public Gallery.


"MyPublicRepository": { "Type": "AWS::ECR::PublicRepository", "Properties": { "RepositoryName" : "test-repository", "RepositoryCatalogData" : { "UsageText": "This is a sample usage text.", "AboutText": "This is a sample about text.", "OperatingSystems": [ "Linux", "Windows" ], "Architectures": [ "x86", "ARM" ], "RepositoryDescription": "This is a sample repository description." } } }


Resources: MyPublicRepositry: Type: AWS::ECR::PublicRepository Properties: RepositoryName: "test-repository" RepositoryCatalogData: UsageText: "This is a sample usage text." AboutText: "This is a sample about text." OperatingSystems: - "Linux" - "Windows" Architectures: - "x86" - "ARM" RepositoryDescription: "This is a sample repository description."


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