Request changes to an onboarded workload - AWS Incident Detection and Response User Guide

Request changes to an onboarded workload

To request changes to an onboarded workload, complete the following steps to create a support case with AWS Incident Detection and Response.

  1. Go to the AWS Support Center, and then select Create case, as shown in the following example:

    AWS Support Center example.
  2. Choose Technical.

  3. For Service, choose Incident Detection and Response.

  4. For Category, choose Workload change request.

  5. For Severity, choose General Guidance.

  6. Enter a Subject for this change. For example:

    AWS Incident Detection and Response - workload_name

  7. Enter a Description for this change. For example, enter "This request is for changes to an existing workload onboarded into AWS Incident Detection and Response". Make sure that you include the following information in your request:

    • Workload name: Your workload name.

    • Account ID(s): ID1, ID2, ID3, and so on.

    • Change details: Enter the details for your requested change.

  8. In the Additional contacts - optional section, enter any email IDs that you want to receive correspondence about this change.

    The following is an example of the Additional contacts - optionl section.

    Enter contacts in the highlighted Additional contacts - optional section.

    Failure to add email IDs in the Additional contacts - optional section might delay the change process.

  9. Choose Submit.

    After you submit the change request, you can add additional emails from your organization. To add emails, choose Reply in Case details, as shown in the following example:

    The Details page showing the Reply button highlighted.

    Then, add the email IDs in the Additional contacts - optional section.

    The following is an example of the Reply page showing where you can enter additional emails.

    The Reply page where you can add additional emails.