Set up CI/CD pipelines with AWS CodePipeline - AWS App2Container

Set up CI/CD pipelines with AWS CodePipeline

AWS CodePipeline is a continuous delivery service that you can use tomodel, visualize, and automate your software release process. App2Container integrates with CodePipeline to automate a consistent release process while it gives you insights to monitor and manage your pipeline. For more information, see What is AWS CodePipeline? in the AWS CodePipeline User Guide.

Before you run the generate pipeline command, review the pipeline.json file that the generate app-deployment command creates. Configure the parameters for your CodeCommit pipeline as follows:

  • Set the flags to enable CodePipeline deployment.

    • sourceInfo

      • CodeCommit – enabled: true

      • ExistingGitRepo – enabled: false

      • AzureRepo – enabled: false

    • pipelineInfo

      • CodePipeline – enabled: true

      • Jenkins – enabled: false

      • AzureDevOps – enabled: false


You must set the sourceInfo and pipelineInfo flags as described or else the pipeline integration will fail.


File validation

When you run the generate pipeline command, App2Container performs the following validation to ensure that your pipeline deploys successfully:

  • Checks that CodeCommit is the only source repository that you've activated in the sourceInfo section of the pipeline.json file, and that this section contains all required properties.

  • Checks that CodePipeline is the only pipeline that you've activated in the pipelineInfo section of the pipeline.json file, and that this section contains all required properties.

Deployment validation

If you use the App2Container generate pipeline command with --deploy, the pipeline.json file that App2Container creates will have the required configuration already defined. If you don't specify the --deploy flag for the command, or you use your own deployment, you must edit the pipeline.json file to specify the required configuration. For more information, see Configuring container pipelines.


The generate pipeline command generates the following artifacts for CodePipeline pipelines. If you don't use the --deploy option with the generate pipeline command, you can edit the artifacts that App2Container added to your CodeCommit repository to create your pipeline from the CodePipeline interface (AWS CLI or AWS Management Console).


If you run the generate pipeline command with the --deploy option, App2Container creates the pipeline in CodePipeline, and starts the pipeline build.

App2Container generates the following artifacts:

buildspec.yml files

Used to build the application container image and uploads it to Amazon ECR.

AWS CloudFormation templates

Used to create your pipeline in CodePipeline along with other required resources.


If your CodeCommit repository doesn't already exist, App2Containercreates it for you.