AWS Doc SDK Examples
SDK for Kotlin を使用した Amazon Keyspaces の例
次のコード例は、Amazon Keyspaces で for Kotlin を使用してアクションを実行し、 AWS SDK一般的なシナリオを実装する方法を示しています。
次のコード例は、Amazon Keyspaces の使用を開始する方法を示しています。
- SDK Kotlin 用の
詳細については、「」を参照してください GitHub。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 /** Before running this Kotlin code example, set up your development environment, including your credentials. For more information, see the following documentation topic: */ suspend fun main() { listKeyspaces() } suspend fun listKeyspaces() { val keyspacesRequest = ListKeyspacesRequest { maxResults = 10 } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> val response = keyClient.listKeyspaces(keyspacesRequest) response.keyspaces?.forEach { keyspace -> println("The name of the keyspace is ${keyspace.keyspaceName}") } } }
API 詳細については、Kotlin リファレンスのListKeyspaces
「」の「」を参照してください。 AWS SDK API
キースペースとテーブルを作成する。テーブルスキーマは point-in-time映画データを保持し、復旧が有効になっています。
SigV4 認証を使用した安全なTLS接続を使用してキースペースに接続します。
- SDK Kotlin 用の
詳細については、「」を参照してください GitHub。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 /** Before running this Kotlin code example, set up your development environment, including your credentials. For more information, see the following documentation topic: This example uses a secure file format to hold certificate information for Kotlin applications. This is required to make a connection to Amazon Keyspaces. For more information, see the following documentation topic: This Kotlin example performs the following tasks: 1. Create a keyspace. 2. Check for keyspace existence. 3. List keyspaces using a paginator. 4. Create a table with a simple movie data schema and enable point-in-time recovery. 5. Check for the table to be in an Active state. 6. List all tables in the keyspace. 7. Use a Cassandra driver to insert some records into the Movie table. 8. Get all records from the Movie table. 9. Get a specific Movie. 10. Get a UTC timestamp for the current time. 11. Update the table schema to add a ‘watched’ Boolean column. 12. Update an item as watched. 13. Query for items with watched = True. 14. Restore the table back to the previous state using the timestamp. 15. Check for completion of the restore action. 16. Delete the table. 17. Confirm that both tables are deleted. 18. Delete the keyspace. */ /* Usage: fileName - The name of the JSON file that contains movie data. (Get this file from the GitHub repo at resources/sample_file.) keyspaceName - The name of the keyspace to create. */ val DASHES: String = String(CharArray(80)).replace("\u0000", "-") suspend fun main() { val fileName = "<Replace with the JSON file that contains movie data>" val keyspaceName = "<Replace with the name of the keyspace to create>" val titleUpdate = "The Family" val yearUpdate = 2013 val tableName = "MovieKotlin" val tableNameRestore = "MovieRestore" val loader = DriverConfigLoader.fromClasspath("application.conf") val session = CqlSession .builder() .withConfigLoader(loader) .build() println(DASHES) println("Welcome to the Amazon Keyspaces example scenario.") println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("1. Create a keyspace.") createKeySpace(keyspaceName) println(DASHES) println(DASHES) delay(5000) println("2. Check for keyspace existence.") checkKeyspaceExistence(keyspaceName) println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("3. List keyspaces using a paginator.") listKeyspacesPaginator() println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("4. Create a table with a simple movie data schema and enable point-in-time recovery.") createTable(keyspaceName, tableName) println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("5. Check for the table to be in an Active state.") delay(6000) checkTable(keyspaceName, tableName) println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("6. List all tables in the keyspace.") listTables(keyspaceName) println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("7. Use a Cassandra driver to insert some records into the Movie table.") delay(6000) loadData(session, fileName, keyspaceName) println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("8. Get all records from the Movie table.") getMovieData(session, keyspaceName) println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("9. Get a specific Movie.") getSpecificMovie(session, keyspaceName) println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("10. Get a UTC timestamp for the current time.") val utc = println("DATETIME = ${Date.from(utc.toInstant())}") println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("11. Update the table schema to add a watched Boolean column.") updateTable(keyspaceName, tableName) println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("12. Update an item as watched.") delay(10000) // Wait 10 seconds for the update. updateRecord(session, keyspaceName, titleUpdate, yearUpdate) println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("13. Query for items with watched = True.") getWatchedData(session, keyspaceName) println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("14. Restore the table back to the previous state using the timestamp.") println("Note that the restore operation can take up to 20 minutes.") restoreTable(keyspaceName, utc) println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("15. Check for completion of the restore action.") delay(5000) checkRestoredTable(keyspaceName, "MovieRestore") println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("16. Delete both tables.") deleteTable(keyspaceName, tableName) deleteTable(keyspaceName, tableNameRestore) println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("17. Confirm that both tables are deleted.") checkTableDelete(keyspaceName, tableName) checkTableDelete(keyspaceName, tableNameRestore) println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("18. Delete the keyspace.") deleteKeyspace(keyspaceName) println(DASHES) println(DASHES) println("The scenario has completed successfully.") println(DASHES) } suspend fun deleteKeyspace(keyspaceNameVal: String?) { val deleteKeyspaceRequest = DeleteKeyspaceRequest { keyspaceName = keyspaceNameVal } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> keyClient.deleteKeyspace(deleteKeyspaceRequest) } } suspend fun checkTableDelete( keyspaceNameVal: String?, tableNameVal: String?, ) { var status: String var response: GetTableResponse val tableRequest = GetTableRequest { keyspaceName = keyspaceNameVal tableName = tableNameVal } try { KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> // Keep looping until the table cannot be found and a ResourceNotFoundException is thrown. while (true) { response = keyClient.getTable(tableRequest) status = response.status.toString() println(". The table status is $status") delay(500) } } } catch (e: ResourceNotFoundException) { println(e.message) } println("The table is deleted") } suspend fun deleteTable( keyspaceNameVal: String?, tableNameVal: String?, ) { val tableRequest = DeleteTableRequest { keyspaceName = keyspaceNameVal tableName = tableNameVal } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> keyClient.deleteTable(tableRequest) } } suspend fun checkRestoredTable( keyspaceNameVal: String?, tableNameVal: String?, ) { var tableStatus = false var status: String var response: GetTableResponse? = null val tableRequest = GetTableRequest { keyspaceName = keyspaceNameVal tableName = tableNameVal } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> while (!tableStatus) { response = keyClient.getTable(tableRequest) status = response!!.status.toString() println("The table status is $status") if (status.compareTo("ACTIVE") == 0) { tableStatus = true } delay(500) } val cols = response!!.schemaDefinition?.allColumns if (cols != null) { for (def in cols) { println("The column name is ${}") println("The column type is ${def.type}") } } } } suspend fun restoreTable( keyspaceName: String?, utc: ZonedDateTime, ) { // Create an aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.time.Instant value. val timeStamp = aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.time .Instant(utc.toInstant()) val restoreTableRequest = RestoreTableRequest { restoreTimestamp = timeStamp sourceTableName = "MovieKotlin" targetKeyspaceName = keyspaceName targetTableName = "MovieRestore" sourceKeyspaceName = keyspaceName } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> val response = keyClient.restoreTable(restoreTableRequest) println("The ARN of the restored table is ${response.restoredTableArn}") } } fun getWatchedData( session: CqlSession, keyspaceName: String, ) { val resultSet = session.execute("SELECT * FROM \"$keyspaceName\".\"MovieKotlin\" WHERE watched = true ALLOW FILTERING;") resultSet.forEach { item: Row -> println("The Movie title is ${item.getString("title")}") println("The Movie year is ${item.getInt("year")}") println("The plot is ${item.getString("plot")}") } } fun updateRecord( session: CqlSession, keySpace: String, titleUpdate: String?, yearUpdate: Int, ) { val sqlStatement = "UPDATE \"$keySpace\".\"MovieKotlin\" SET watched=true WHERE title = :k0 AND year = :k1;" val builder = BatchStatement.builder(DefaultBatchType.UNLOGGED) builder.setConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM) val preparedStatement = session.prepare(sqlStatement) builder.addStatement( preparedStatement .boundStatementBuilder() .setString("k0", titleUpdate) .setInt("k1", yearUpdate) .build(), ) val batchStatement = session.execute(batchStatement) } suspend fun updateTable( keySpace: String?, tableNameVal: String?, ) { val def = ColumnDefinition { name = "watched" type = "boolean" } val tableRequest = UpdateTableRequest { keyspaceName = keySpace tableName = tableNameVal addColumns = listOf(def) } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> keyClient.updateTable(tableRequest) } } fun getSpecificMovie( session: CqlSession, keyspaceName: String, ) { val resultSet = session.execute("SELECT * FROM \"$keyspaceName\".\"MovieKotlin\" WHERE title = 'The Family' ALLOW FILTERING ;") resultSet.forEach { item: Row -> println("The Movie title is ${item.getString("title")}") println("The Movie year is ${item.getInt("year")}") println("The plot is ${item.getString("plot")}") } } // Get records from the Movie table. fun getMovieData( session: CqlSession, keyspaceName: String, ) { val resultSet = session.execute("SELECT * FROM \"$keyspaceName\".\"MovieKotlin\";") resultSet.forEach { item: Row -> println("The Movie title is ${item.getString("title")}") println("The Movie year is ${item.getInt("year")}") println("The plot is ${item.getString("plot")}") } } // Load data into the table. fun loadData( session: CqlSession, fileName: String, keySpace: String, ) { val sqlStatement = "INSERT INTO \"$keySpace\".\"MovieKotlin\" (title, year, plot) values (:k0, :k1, :k2)" val parser = JsonFactory().createParser(File(fileName)) val rootNode = ObjectMapper().readTree<JsonNode>(parser) val iter: Iterator<JsonNode> = rootNode.iterator() var currentNode: ObjectNode var t = 0 while (iter.hasNext()) { if (t == 50) { break } currentNode = as ObjectNode val year = currentNode.path("year").asInt() val title = currentNode.path("title").asText() val info = currentNode.path("info").toString() // Insert the data into the Amazon Keyspaces table. val builder = BatchStatement.builder(DefaultBatchType.UNLOGGED) builder.setConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM) val preparedStatement: PreparedStatement = session.prepare(sqlStatement) builder.addStatement( preparedStatement .boundStatementBuilder() .setString("k0", title) .setInt("k1", year) .setString("k2", info) .build(), ) val batchStatement = session.execute(batchStatement) t++ } } suspend fun listTables(keyspaceNameVal: String?) { val tablesRequest = ListTablesRequest { keyspaceName = keyspaceNameVal } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> keyClient .listTablesPaginated(tablesRequest) .transform { it.tables?.forEach { obj -> emit(obj) } } .collect { obj -> println(" ARN: ${obj.resourceArn} Table name: ${obj.tableName}") } } } suspend fun checkTable( keyspaceNameVal: String?, tableNameVal: String?, ) { var tableStatus = false var status: String var response: GetTableResponse? = null val tableRequest = GetTableRequest { keyspaceName = keyspaceNameVal tableName = tableNameVal } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> while (!tableStatus) { response = keyClient.getTable(tableRequest) status = response!!.status.toString() println(". The table status is $status") if (status.compareTo("ACTIVE") == 0) { tableStatus = true } delay(500) } val cols: List<ColumnDefinition>? = response!!.schemaDefinition?.allColumns if (cols != null) { for (def in cols) { println("The column name is ${}") println("The column type is ${def.type}") } } } } suspend fun createTable( keySpaceVal: String?, tableNameVal: String?, ) { // Set the columns. val defTitle = ColumnDefinition { name = "title" type = "text" } val defYear = ColumnDefinition { name = "year" type = "int" } val defReleaseDate = ColumnDefinition { name = "release_date" type = "timestamp" } val defPlot = ColumnDefinition { name = "plot" type = "text" } val colList = ArrayList<ColumnDefinition>() colList.add(defTitle) colList.add(defYear) colList.add(defReleaseDate) colList.add(defPlot) // Set the keys. val yearKey = PartitionKey { name = "year" } val titleKey = PartitionKey { name = "title" } val keyList = ArrayList<PartitionKey>() keyList.add(yearKey) keyList.add(titleKey) val schemaDefinitionOb = SchemaDefinition { partitionKeys = keyList allColumns = colList } val timeRecovery = PointInTimeRecovery { status = PointInTimeRecoveryStatus.Enabled } val tableRequest = CreateTableRequest { keyspaceName = keySpaceVal tableName = tableNameVal schemaDefinition = schemaDefinitionOb pointInTimeRecovery = timeRecovery } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> val response = keyClient.createTable(tableRequest) println("The table ARN is ${response.resourceArn}") } } suspend fun listKeyspacesPaginator() { KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> keyClient .listKeyspacesPaginated(ListKeyspacesRequest {}) .transform { it.keyspaces?.forEach { obj -> emit(obj) } } .collect { obj -> println("Name: ${obj.keyspaceName}") } } } suspend fun checkKeyspaceExistence(keyspaceNameVal: String?) { val keyspaceRequest = GetKeyspaceRequest { keyspaceName = keyspaceNameVal } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> val response: GetKeyspaceResponse = keyClient.getKeyspace(keyspaceRequest) val name = response.keyspaceName println("The $name KeySpace is ready") } } suspend fun createKeySpace(keyspaceNameVal: String) { val keyspaceRequest = CreateKeyspaceRequest { keyspaceName = keyspaceNameVal } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> val response = keyClient.createKeyspace(keyspaceRequest) println("The ARN of the KeySpace is ${response.resourceArn}") } }
API 詳細については、AWS SDKKotlin APIリファレンスの の以下のトピックを参照してください。
- SDK Kotlin 用の
詳細については、「」を参照してください GitHub。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 suspend fun createKeySpace(keyspaceNameVal: String) { val keyspaceRequest = CreateKeyspaceRequest { keyspaceName = keyspaceNameVal } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> val response = keyClient.createKeyspace(keyspaceRequest) println("The ARN of the KeySpace is ${response.resourceArn}") } }
API 詳細については、Kotlin リファレンスのCreateKeyspace
「」の「」を参照してください。 AWS SDK API
- SDK Kotlin 用の
詳細については、「」を参照してください GitHub。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 suspend fun createTable( keySpaceVal: String?, tableNameVal: String?, ) { // Set the columns. val defTitle = ColumnDefinition { name = "title" type = "text" } val defYear = ColumnDefinition { name = "year" type = "int" } val defReleaseDate = ColumnDefinition { name = "release_date" type = "timestamp" } val defPlot = ColumnDefinition { name = "plot" type = "text" } val colList = ArrayList<ColumnDefinition>() colList.add(defTitle) colList.add(defYear) colList.add(defReleaseDate) colList.add(defPlot) // Set the keys. val yearKey = PartitionKey { name = "year" } val titleKey = PartitionKey { name = "title" } val keyList = ArrayList<PartitionKey>() keyList.add(yearKey) keyList.add(titleKey) val schemaDefinitionOb = SchemaDefinition { partitionKeys = keyList allColumns = colList } val timeRecovery = PointInTimeRecovery { status = PointInTimeRecoveryStatus.Enabled } val tableRequest = CreateTableRequest { keyspaceName = keySpaceVal tableName = tableNameVal schemaDefinition = schemaDefinitionOb pointInTimeRecovery = timeRecovery } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> val response = keyClient.createTable(tableRequest) println("The table ARN is ${response.resourceArn}") } }
API 詳細については、Kotlin リファレンスのCreateTable
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での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 suspend fun deleteKeyspace(keyspaceNameVal: String?) { val deleteKeyspaceRequest = DeleteKeyspaceRequest { keyspaceName = keyspaceNameVal } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> keyClient.deleteKeyspace(deleteKeyspaceRequest) } }
API 詳細については、Kotlin リファレンスのDeleteKeyspace
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- SDK Kotlin 用の
詳細については、「」を参照してください GitHub。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 suspend fun deleteTable( keyspaceNameVal: String?, tableNameVal: String?, ) { val tableRequest = DeleteTableRequest { keyspaceName = keyspaceNameVal tableName = tableNameVal } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> keyClient.deleteTable(tableRequest) } }
API 詳細については、Kotlin リファレンスのDeleteTable
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- SDK Kotlin 用の
詳細については、「」を参照してください GitHub。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 suspend fun checkKeyspaceExistence(keyspaceNameVal: String?) { val keyspaceRequest = GetKeyspaceRequest { keyspaceName = keyspaceNameVal } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> val response: GetKeyspaceResponse = keyClient.getKeyspace(keyspaceRequest) val name = response.keyspaceName println("The $name KeySpace is ready") } }
API 詳細については、Kotlin リファレンスのGetKeyspace
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詳細については、「」を参照してください GitHub。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 suspend fun checkTable( keyspaceNameVal: String?, tableNameVal: String?, ) { var tableStatus = false var status: String var response: GetTableResponse? = null val tableRequest = GetTableRequest { keyspaceName = keyspaceNameVal tableName = tableNameVal } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> while (!tableStatus) { response = keyClient.getTable(tableRequest) status = response!!.status.toString() println(". The table status is $status") if (status.compareTo("ACTIVE") == 0) { tableStatus = true } delay(500) } val cols: List<ColumnDefinition>? = response!!.schemaDefinition?.allColumns if (cols != null) { for (def in cols) { println("The column name is ${}") println("The column type is ${def.type}") } } } }
API 詳細については、Kotlin リファレンスのGetTable
「」の「」を参照してください。 AWS SDK API
- SDK Kotlin 用の
詳細については、「」を参照してください GitHub。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 suspend fun listKeyspacesPaginator() { KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> keyClient .listKeyspacesPaginated(ListKeyspacesRequest {}) .transform { it.keyspaces?.forEach { obj -> emit(obj) } } .collect { obj -> println("Name: ${obj.keyspaceName}") } } }
API 詳細については、Kotlin リファレンスのListKeyspaces
「」の「」を参照してください。 AWS SDK API
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詳細については、「」を参照してください GitHub。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 suspend fun listTables(keyspaceNameVal: String?) { val tablesRequest = ListTablesRequest { keyspaceName = keyspaceNameVal } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> keyClient .listTablesPaginated(tablesRequest) .transform { it.tables?.forEach { obj -> emit(obj) } } .collect { obj -> println(" ARN: ${obj.resourceArn} Table name: ${obj.tableName}") } } }
API 詳細については、Kotlin リファレンスのListTables
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詳細については、「」を参照してください GitHub。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 suspend fun restoreTable( keyspaceName: String?, utc: ZonedDateTime, ) { // Create an aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.time.Instant value. val timeStamp = aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.time .Instant(utc.toInstant()) val restoreTableRequest = RestoreTableRequest { restoreTimestamp = timeStamp sourceTableName = "MovieKotlin" targetKeyspaceName = keyspaceName targetTableName = "MovieRestore" sourceKeyspaceName = keyspaceName } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> val response = keyClient.restoreTable(restoreTableRequest) println("The ARN of the restored table is ${response.restoredTableArn}") } }
API 詳細については、Kotlin リファレンスのRestoreTable
「」の「」を参照してください。 AWS SDK API
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詳細については、「」を参照してください GitHub。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリ
での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 suspend fun updateTable( keySpace: String?, tableNameVal: String?, ) { val def = ColumnDefinition { name = "watched" type = "boolean" } val tableRequest = UpdateTableRequest { keyspaceName = keySpace tableName = tableNameVal addColumns = listOf(def) } KeyspacesClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { keyClient -> keyClient.updateTable(tableRequest) } }
API 詳細については、Kotlin リファレンスのUpdateTable
「」の「」を参照してください。 AWS SDK API