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AWS SDK を使用して Lookout for Vision プロジェクトからデータセットをエクスポートする
次のコード例は、Lookout for Vision プロジェクトからデータセットをエクスポートする方法を示しています。
詳細については、「プロジェクト (SDK) からのデータセットのエクスポート」を参照してください。
- Python
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
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での設定と実行の方法を確認してください。 """ Purpose Shows how to export the datasets (manifest files and images) from an Amazon Lookout for Vision project to a new Amazon S3 location. """ import argparse import json import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def copy_file(s3_resource, source_file, destination_file): """ Copies a file from a source Amazon S3 folder to a destination Amazon S3 folder. The destination can be in a different S3 bucket. :param s3: An Amazon S3 Boto3 resource. :param source_file: The Amazon S3 path to the source file. :param destination_file: The destination Amazon S3 path for the copy operation. """ source_bucket, source_key = source_file.replace("s3://", "").split("/", 1) destination_bucket, destination_key = destination_file.replace("s3://", "").split( "/", 1 ) try: bucket = s3_resource.Bucket(destination_bucket) dest_object = bucket.Object(destination_key) dest_object.copy_from(CopySource={"Bucket": source_bucket, "Key": source_key}) dest_object.wait_until_exists()"Copied %s to %s", source_file, destination_file) except ClientError as error: if error.response["Error"]["Code"] == "404": error_message = ( f"Failed to copy {source_file} to " f"{destination_file}. : {error.response['Error']['Message']}" ) logger.warning(error_message) error.response["Error"]["Message"] = error_message raise def upload_manifest_file(s3_resource, manifest_file, destination): """ Uploads a manifest file to a destination Amazon S3 folder. :param s3: An Amazon S3 Boto3 resource. :param manifest_file: The manifest file that you want to upload. :destination: The Amazon S3 folder location to upload the manifest file to. """ destination_bucket, destination_key = destination.replace("s3://", "").split("/", 1) bucket = s3_resource.Bucket(destination_bucket) put_data = open(manifest_file, "rb") obj = bucket.Object(destination_key + manifest_file) try: obj.put(Body=put_data) obj.wait_until_exists()"Put manifest file '%s' to bucket '%s'.", obj.key, obj.bucket_name) except ClientError: logger.exception( "Couldn't put manifest file '%s' to bucket '%s'.", obj.key, obj.bucket_name ) raise finally: if getattr(put_data, "close", None): put_data.close() def get_dataset_types(lookoutvision_client, project): """ Determines the types of the datasets (train or test) in an Amazon Lookout for Vision project. :param lookoutvision_client: A Lookout for Vision Boto3 client. :param project: The Lookout for Vision project that you want to check. :return: The dataset types in the project. """ try: response = lookoutvision_client.describe_project(ProjectName=project) datasets = [] for dataset in response["ProjectDescription"]["Datasets"]: if dataset["Status"] in ("CREATE_COMPLETE", "UPDATE_COMPLETE"): datasets.append(dataset["DatasetType"]) return datasets except lookoutvision_client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException: logger.exception("Project %s not found.", project) raise def process_json_line(s3_resource, entry, dataset_type, destination): """ Creates a JSON line for a new manifest file, copies image and mask to destination. :param s3_resource: An Amazon S3 Boto3 resource. :param entry: A JSON line from the manifest file. :param dataset_type: The type (train or test) of the dataset that you want to create the manifest file for. :param destination: The destination Amazon S3 folder for the manifest file and dataset images. :return: A JSON line with details for the destination location. """ entry_json = json.loads(entry) print(f"source: {entry_json['source-ref']}") # Use existing folder paths to ensure console added image names don't clash. bucket, key = entry_json["source-ref"].replace("s3://", "").split("/", 1)"Source location: %s/%s", bucket, key) destination_image_location = destination + dataset_type + "/images/" + key copy_file(s3_resource, entry_json["source-ref"], destination_image_location) # Update JSON for writing. entry_json["source-ref"] = destination_image_location if "anomaly-mask-ref" in entry_json: source_anomaly_ref = entry_json["anomaly-mask-ref"] mask_bucket, mask_key = source_anomaly_ref.replace("s3://", "").split("/", 1) destination_mask_location = destination + dataset_type + "/masks/" + mask_key entry_json["anomaly-mask-ref"] = destination_mask_location copy_file(s3_resource, source_anomaly_ref, entry_json["anomaly-mask-ref"]) return entry_json def write_manifest_file( lookoutvision_client, s3_resource, project, dataset_type, destination ): """ Creates a manifest file for a dataset. Copies the manifest file and dataset images (and masks, if present) to the specified Amazon S3 destination. :param lookoutvision_client: A Lookout for Vision Boto3 client. :param project: The Lookout for Vision project that you want to use. :param dataset_type: The type (train or test) of the dataset that you want to create the manifest file for. :param destination: The destination Amazon S3 folder for the manifest file and dataset images. """ try: # Create a reusable Paginator paginator = lookoutvision_client.get_paginator("list_dataset_entries") # Create a PageIterator from the Paginator page_iterator = paginator.paginate( ProjectName=project, DatasetType=dataset_type, PaginationConfig={"PageSize": 100}, ) output_manifest_file = dataset_type + ".manifest" # Create manifest file then upload to Amazon S3 with images. with open(output_manifest_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as manifest_file: for page in page_iterator: for entry in page["DatasetEntries"]: try: entry_json = process_json_line( s3_resource, entry, dataset_type, destination ) manifest_file.write(json.dumps(entry_json) + "\n") except ClientError as error: if error.response["Error"]["Code"] == "404": print(error.response["Error"]["Message"]) print(f"Excluded JSON line: {entry}") else: raise upload_manifest_file( s3_resource, output_manifest_file, destination + "datasets/" ) except ClientError: logger.exception("Problem getting dataset_entries") raise def export_datasets(lookoutvision_client, s3_resource, project, destination): """ Exports the datasets from an Amazon Lookout for Vision project to a specified Amazon S3 destination. :param project: The Lookout for Vision project that you want to use. :param destination: The destination Amazon S3 folder for the exported datasets. """ # Add trailing backslash, if missing. destination = destination if destination[-1] == "/" else destination + "/" print(f"Exporting project {project} datasets to {destination}.") # Get each dataset and export to destination. dataset_types = get_dataset_types(lookoutvision_client, project) for dataset in dataset_types:"Copying %s dataset to %s.", dataset, destination) write_manifest_file( lookoutvision_client, s3_resource, project, dataset, destination ) print("Exported dataset locations") for dataset in dataset_types: print(f" {dataset}: {destination}datasets/{dataset}.manifest") print("Done.") def add_arguments(parser): """ Adds command line arguments to the parser. :param parser: The command line parser. """ parser.add_argument("project", help="The project that contains the dataset.") parser.add_argument("destination", help="The destination Amazon S3 folder.") def main(): """ Exports the datasets from an Amazon Lookout for Vision project to a destination Amazon S3 location. """ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=argparse.SUPPRESS) add_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args() try: session = boto3.Session(profile_name="lookoutvision-access") lookoutvision_client = session.client("lookoutvision") s3_resource = session.resource("s3") export_datasets( lookoutvision_client, s3_resource, args.project, args.destination ) except ClientError as err: logger.exception(err) print(f"Failed: {format(err)}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()