AWS SDK または CLI ListOrganizationalUnitsForParentで を使用する - AWS SDK コード例

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AWS SDK または CLI ListOrganizationalUnitsForParentで を使用する

以下のコード例は、ListOrganizationalUnitsForParent の使用方法を示しています。


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Organizations; using Amazon.Organizations.Model; /// <summary> /// Lists the AWS Organizations organizational units that belong to an /// organization. /// </summary> public class ListOrganizationalUnitsForParent { /// <summary> /// Initializes the Organizations client object and then uses it to /// call the ListOrganizationalUnitsForParentAsync method to retrieve /// the list of organizational units. /// </summary> public static async Task Main() { // Create the client object using the default account. IAmazonOrganizations client = new AmazonOrganizationsClient(); var parentId = "r-0000"; var request = new ListOrganizationalUnitsForParentRequest { ParentId = parentId, MaxResults = 5, }; var response = new ListOrganizationalUnitsForParentResponse(); try { do { response = await client.ListOrganizationalUnitsForParentAsync(request); response.OrganizationalUnits.ForEach(u => DisplayOrganizationalUnit(u)); if (response.NextToken is not null) { request.NextToken = response.NextToken; } } while (response.NextToken is not null); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } /// <summary> /// Displays information about an Organizations organizational unit. /// </summary> /// <param name="unit">The OrganizationalUnit for which to display /// information.</param> public static void DisplayOrganizationalUnit(OrganizationalUnit unit) { string accountInfo = $"{unit.Id} {unit.Name}\t{unit.Arn}"; Console.WriteLine(accountInfo); } }

親 OU またはルートの OU のリストを取得するには

次の例は、指定されたルート内の OU のリストを取得する方法を示しています。

aws organizations list-organizational-units-for-parent --parent-id r-examplerootid111

出力は、指定されたルートに 2 つの OU が含まれていることを示し、それぞれの詳細を示します。

{ "OrganizationalUnits": [ { "Name": "AccountingDepartment", "Arn": "arn:aws:organizations::o-exampleorgid:ou/r-examplerootid111/ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111" }, { "Name": "ProductionDepartment", "Arn": "arn:aws:organizations::o-exampleorgid:ou/r-examplerootid111/ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid222" } ] }